Chapter 12

Clara was busy applying her beautiful makeup in front of the mirror. She felt a little tired because of her busy work schedule as a professional model. From advertising projects and fashion shows to photo shoots for famous magazines.

"Today's schedule is even busier than yesterday," she said softly, sighing.

She looked at her face for a moment. Then, put some makeup on her eyes. Covering the eye bags that began to appear clearly due to lack of rest.

It was not only her busy schedule as a professional model that made her tired. Her younger brother Jason made her very tired in this house.

"Miss, may I come in?" a servant asked from behind the door.

Clara put down the perfume bottle she had just sprayed.

"Yes, just come in," she replied.

A young woman who had been working as a servant in Clara's family for several years entered her room with cautious steps.

"Excuse me, Miss, I apologize if I disturbed you." said the maid.

"What's wrong?" asked Clara without turning to the maid. Her gaze remained fixed on the mirror, examining the details of her makeup.

"Mr. Jason asked me to call for Miss," said the servant.

Clara exhaled harshly. She was reluctant to serve her brother but couldn't help it.

"What's the need? Can't you take care of him that you have to call me like this every morning?" Clara sounded annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Miss, I told Mr. Jason not to bother you in the morning, but Mr. Jason insisted." the servant explained in a frightened tone.

"Starting tomorrow, I don't want to hear any more excuses. Or I will not renew your contract in this house!" Clara threatened.

"I'm sorry, Miss," the servant didn't dare to say much. She could only apologize with her head bowed.

Clara grabbed the name-brand handbag she had prepared near the dressing table. Stepped quickly with an annoyed look towards her brother's room on the ground floor.

The maid followed faithfully, still with her head bowed in fear.

"What's wrong, Jason?" asked Clara coldly, standing before the bedroom door.

"Oh, hi sister, good morning." greeted Jason, who was lying on his bed.

Clara looked at her only brother. All the upset feelings that had been raging slowly disappeared. She took a deep breath, trying to organize the emotions in her heart.

"How are you feeling this morning?" she asked softly. This is very different from the tone she had used earlier with the servant.

"No real change." Jason sounded desperate.

Clara stepped inside. Sitting down next to Jason.

"I believe you will recover soon," she said with a smile.

"Don't try to cheer me up," Jason stared blankly at the ceiling of his room.

"Have a little patience, Jason; I'm trying my best. If only you would listen to my suggestion to do treatment in Germany, maybe things wouldn't be like this." Clara said.

"Let's not talk about that anymore. I'm not going to do it any time soon!" Jason turned his face away.

Jason's blank stare turned into anger. He screamed, throwing pillows and other items that were nearby. Hitting his legs that could not be moved.

Clara immediately backed away. This was what was causing her so much stress at home. A few months ago, Jason had an accident. As a result of the accident, both of Jason's legs were paralyzed, and he could not walk. His behavior has changed since the accident.

Clara always tried to find out what caused her brother's accident, but Jason was always angry and refused to talk. He even refused to undergo treatment abroad.

It wasn't just Clara who was struggling to deal with him. Clara's parents were at their wit's end. Clara's mother fell ill and passed away due to the stress of thinking about her son's paralysis. Had Clara not remembered her mother's message before she died, she would have wanted to leave this house. Just let her stubborn brother take care of his own life. But Clara's heart couldn't take it.

"As you wish, Jason, I still have a lot of work to do." Clara walked out of her brother's room.

Her heart was churning with emotion. She stepped out of her house while wiping away tears.

"Miss, you'd better have breakfast first," the maid chased her before she reached the garage.

"No need," Clara refused.

"Then wait a moment, miss, let me call a driver to take you." The maid hurried to call a chauffeur in the back room.

Meanwhile, Ferdinand had been preparing since early in the morning. He couldn't wait to get to Clara's house to know every corner of the woman's residence and then organize a strategy to spy on Andie through Clara.

Ferdinand was still trying to use his last chance at this hospital he wrote a message on a piece of paper and then tried to slip it under the door of his father's hospital room.

"On your last day, do you still take the time to work?" came a woman's voice in front of Ferdinand.

Ferdinand lifted his face to see a hospital maid delivering food. Fortunately, the waiter thought Ferdinand was cleaning, so he didn't get suspicious.

"Excuse me," Ferdinand said, walking past her. He was too lazy to respond because he knew the waitress had much to say.

"I knew someone like him wouldn't last long working in this hospital." mocked the woman from a distance as she stepped inside to deliver food to Mr. Levin's room.

Ferdinand wanted to take the opportunity to force his way into his father's ward. Just as he took a step, two security guards suddenly approached.

"Hurry up! Miss Clara is waiting in the lobby." said the security guard.

"No! Wait a minute!" Ferdinand tried to break away.

"Don't act so much already! Your time in this place is up! Come with Miss Clara before you cause more trouble!" the security guard scolded as he dragged Ferdinand.

"What's all the commotion out there? Why do I hear so much commotion in this hospital?" asked Mrs. Camilla, annoyed.

"Sorry, ma'am, it's nothing, just a small problem that we'll take care of soon." replied the waiter who delivered the food.

Before leaving Mr. Levin's ward, the waiter noticed a small piece of paper under the door. She thought it was trash that the cleaning staff had missed cleaning. She hurriedly picked it up as she walked out of the room.

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