Chapter 13

Clara sat in a chair in the lobby, fiddling with her cell phone. She was sick from meeting and dealing with the young man who had spilled dirty water on her clothes the previous day.

"Excuse me, Miss," greeted the security guard who escorted Ferdinand.

The beautiful woman put her cell phone in her bag. She stood up reluctantly and returned the security guard's greeting.

"Yes," she said curtly.

"This is Ferdinand. All his work at this hospital has been completed. He is allowed to leave with you. His work contract at this hospital has not been renewed anymore." explained the security guard.

Clara was too lazy to talk to the security guard. She just turned her head slightly to give a code to her driver. The driver immediately understood.

"Thank you, sir. Now Ferdinand will come with us." The driver said on behalf of Clara.

They then walked outside the hospital building. Clara stood in front of the lobby door, waiting for the driver to take the car to the parking lot. Ferdinand waited obediently, standing not far from Clara.

Within minutes, Clara's car was ready. The driver got out and opened the door.

"Please, Miss," he said.

Clara glanced at Ferdinand with disgust at the thought of sharing a car with such a shabby-looking man.

"I think I'll just wait for Andie. Just take him home and watch him until I arrive." Clara ordered.

"Yes, Miss," the driver said obediently.

Ferdinand silently listened, meaning that it was likely that Andie would also come to Clara's house. There was a slight worry that Andie might recognize him if they met nearby. Ferdinand hurriedly reached into his pocket for a mask and put it on.

"Come quickly," the driver ordered Ferdinand. "What the hell are you doing? Why are you suddenly wearing a mask?" he asked suspiciously.

Ferdinand deliberately pretended to cough incessantly while holding his neck.

"Sorry, I'm just a little unwell," he said.

Clara quickly moved a few steps away. She shuddered in disgust.

"What a nuisance this guy is! Bringing him into the house is like bringing a disease!" Clara grumbled in annoyance.

"What do you think, Miss? Should I keep bringing him home?" asked Clara's driver. He understood Clara disliked sick people, especially a new person who would only be a servant like this.

"Just take him to the barn at the back of the house. Then, Doctor Richard will ask him to examine him after he finishes examining Jason. It just so happens that there is a routine checkup for Jason this afternoon." Clara said.

"Yes, Miss," The driver immediately took Ferdinand into the car.

Ferdinand sat in the front, wearing a mask and hat. Head down without looking at Clara. Quickly, the car left the hospital area while Clara was still there.

Ferdinand stared at every inch of the road. He remembered someone, Margareta. There was a feeling of guilt in his heart.

"I have to see that old lady again to say thank you," he said.

Meanwhile, Clara's driver was silent. Not a single word came out of his mouth. Not even to say hello or ask a question. He was known as Clara's most trusted worker. Some of the other servants rarely interacted with him. Because she often became Clara's spy.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't think Miss Clara's physician should bother examining me. I'm used to drinking herbs when I'm sick, and I'll get better soon." Ferdinand tried to talk to the driver. He worried his identity would be revealed when the doctor examined him later.

There was no response for a few seconds. He glanced slightly at the driver. Ferdinand even deliberately called him 'Sir,' hoping the driver would be kind enough to respond.

"My condition is also strong enough to do the work of a servant at home. You may give me an assignment as soon as I arrive." Ferdinand continued, still hoping for an answer.

"Shut up and follow Miss Clara's orders." said the driver.

Ferdinand clenched his fists in annoyance. He sighed, trying to reduce the emotions that began to rage. The employer and driver turned out to be equally haughty. There was no more conversation between them.

The silent atmosphere in the car made the trip feel so long. Almost an hour passed, and Ferdinand had to endure sleepiness before finally being surprised by the voice of Clara's driver.

"Come with me, I'll show you the room for you to wait for the doctor's examination," he said in a distinctive heavy voice and expressionless.

Ferdinand immediately corrected his sitting position. He massaged his forehead briefly before opening the car door. He immediately followed Clara's driver without asking many questions.

The arrogant woman's residence had a large courtyard similar to Ferdinand's, a luxurious house with a high fence surrounded by gardens and several separate buildings.

"Please wait inside. Do not do anything without orders or try to go to other rooms. Doctor Richard will examine you as soon as he finishes with Mr. Jason." the driver said, then closed the door and left.

Ferdinand watched the man's steps through the window. Clara's driver, whose name he did not know yet, seemed to be heading towards another building, which appeared to be the main building. While the place where Ferdinand is currently located, the building looks smaller. There are tables, chairs, and ample cabinets where documents are stored. Ferdinand took off his mask and then breathed in with a feeling of relief. A door at the end of the room was quite curious. Ferdinand approached the door, thinking it was the exit to the back of the building.

"Locked," he said after trying to turn the doorknob.

Ferdinand checked some other things, there was a key hanging on the wall. He took it and tried to use it to open the door.

"What room is this?" he asked after successfully opening the door.

Ferdinand confirmed that Clara's driver and the doctor examining her were yet to arrive. He entered slowly, not expecting to find so many old documents.

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