Chapter 2

"Camila?!" called Levin as he descended the stairs. Camila screamed and cried so much that Andie didn't know what to do to win over his aunt.

"Sorry uncle, I just had some bad news to tell aunt Camila," Andie explained as Levin approached.

"What's the bad news?" asked Levin curiously with a questioning look in his eyes and a tinge of embarrassment at the guests for the uproar that had occurred.

"Ferdinand had an accident and the possibility of his body not being saved is uncle Levin," said Andie.

Levin's pair of eyeballs instantly widened even as his mouth was still locked speechless while his heart felt a hard pounding making it difficult for him to breathe.

"The police are giving me information and they're still out front," Andie continued.

"You don't mess around Andie, they must be the wrong people!" snapped Levin with a hardened jaw, his heart was in so much pain that he was gasping for air.

"Are you alright uncle?" Andie noticed the change in Levin's face.

"You can't just stay here Andie and throw the two policemen out!" Camila ordered, still not accepting the news about her son.

"I can't do that aunt Camila, we have to find out the truth about Ferdinand," Andie refused gently.

"Help me Camila!" Levin groaned in pain as he fell to the floor and the whole room immediately panicked. 

"Mr. Levin, are you alright?" One of the invited guests ventured to show his concern.

"Honey, what are you feeling? Don't scare me more!" Camila was hysterical and embraced Levin trying to support her husband's body from lying on the floor.

"Servants, take uncle Levin to the hospital and the others come with me to Ferdinand's accident scene!" He ordered.

"Yes, Mr. Andie. Two assistants immediately swiftly carried Levin's body to the car to the hospital.

Camila, who looked so frantic, stood where her makeup was already messed up with wet eyes at the thought that the only son she was so proud of would bring her deep sorrow.

"Auntie, I'm going with the police so you'd better look after Uncle Levin at the hospital," Andie said before leaving.

"Yes Andie," Camila replied quietly.

Andie also ordered one of the house servants to accompany Camila because he saw her unstable and weak condition, then Andie hurried to meet the two policemen who had been waiting.

"I will come to the scene, can we go now?" Andie asked.

"Yes, Mr. Andie. Once outside the gate, many invited guests were already crowding around wanting to know about Ferdinand, who was actually going to become Chief Executive Officer on the occasion of his thirtieth birthday.

"Mr. Andie, is it true that Mr. Ferdinand was declared dead in an accident?" asked one of the guests who tried to block Andie's car. 

Andie chose to close the windshield tightly and continued on his way, ignoring them. Within forty-five minutes Andie and the police arrived at the scene only to find it filled with journalists.

"Should we ask them not to bother you, sir?" asked one of Andie's assistants before getting out of the car.

"Leave it alone," Andie said lazily.

"Sir, may we have a moment of your time?" asked one journalist, followed by another.

"What steps will the family take over this incident?" interrupted another. Andie's assistants swiftly fenced off his master from the crowd of journalists but they were outnumbered. 

"Sorry, I can't give any information yet, let the police work," Andie said briefly and then penetrated them with the help of his assistants.

"One of the witnesses, Mrs. Margaretha, happened to be around the scene when the accident occurred, the car was traveling at high speed then hit the road divider and finally rolled over and exploded, Mr. Andie," said the police while introducing him.

"Is that right?" asked Andie unhappily.

"Yes, sir," Margaretha added in a trembling voice. Andie stared intently at the middle-aged woman while watching her suspicious movements.

"Then where is Ferdinand's body?" asked Andie with a tense face.

"We can't find it, Mr. Andie, because looking at the condition of the car that exploded and burned heavily, the chances of the victim surviving are very slim, the possibility of his body being burned and the dust scattered in the river. Sir, don't worry, we will do our best to uncover the cause of this accident," the police officer assured.

Andie just let out a long sigh massaging his forehead then rubbing his face roughly his mind was so afraid of the current situation.

"Is there anything else you should know?" said Margaretha bravely.

"What? Tell me?" Andie pleaded.

"There was another car that seemed to have been hit from behind. The car even rolled over but didn't catch fire," said Margaretha. 

Andie immediately put on a cold face with a slight nod as if she had understood everything the policeman and the woman had explained.

"These are some of Mr. Ferdinand's belongings that we found at the scene, Mr. Andie." The police handed over Ferdinand's wallet and torn clothes.

"Okay, thank you guys for working so hard," Andie said, ending their conversation.

"Our deepest condolences for this incident," the police officer said again.

"Thank you, we await the results of further investigation." Andi returned the policeman's handshake and left the scene.

The journalists followed him and listened to all the information from the policeman. 

"Has Mr. Ferdinand Johansson really been declared dead, Mr. Andie? We are waiting for an official statement from your family," asked one of the reporters.

"My cousin Ferdinand has died as a result of this accident, we are devastated to hear this sad news and this is the proof," said Andie briefly with his head bowed full of sadness without wanting to look at the journalist's camera while showing Ferdinand's clothes.

Andie immediately went away from the crowd of journalists and got into a car to walk a few hundred meters away from the scene.

"You stay here and recheck every inch of Ferdinand's accident site including the charred carcass. Wait until the situation is completely quiet lest anyone finds out!" Andie ordered in a whisper to Doni, his trusted assistant.

"Yes Mr. Andie," Doni replied enthusiastically.

An hour passed and Doni found it difficult to do the task Andie ordered him to do and then gave a report.

"The whole car wreck has been cleaned up by the police Mr. Andie, I didn't have a chance to sneak a look," Doni said irritably.

"What about the area around the river where Ferdinand's car plunged? Have you checked it?" asked Andie, also feeling deeply disappointed.

"Already sir, I didn't find anything there, everything looks neat and clean," explained Doni. Andie let out a strong breath at the report of his confidant.

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