Chapter 4

"Servant, please take Auntie to her room!" Andie ordered one of the servants standing nearby.

"Yes, Mr. Andie. Camilla walked towards the main room upstairs with her hands clinging to the servant who escorted her. Her body felt so weak refusing to eat since yesterday.

"Let me get some food for Madame," the servant said after opening the door for Camilla.

"No! I don't want to eat, leave me alone," she refused as she closed the door. The servant could only bow obediently away from Camilla's room even though she was worried about her Ladyship's condition.

Camilla locked herself in the room screaming as she grabbed a vase of flowers from the table and threw it at the large mirror attached to the dressing table, shattering it.

"No way! It's just a dream! It's just a dream!" The sound of her crying wailed filled the entire room. If she could, she wanted to chase away everyone who came and throw away all the bouquets lined up in front of the house because she believed Ferdinand was still alive.

On the ground floor the atmosphere was so cold that the guests prayed for Ferdinand who was known to be so kind and did not know the word hostility in his life.

 "Mr. Andie, our condolences to Mr. Ferdinand are also concerned about Mr. Levin's condition, hopefully you can get through this," said one business colleague.

"Thank you Sir, this is indeed a heavy blow for us, my brother's tragic death and Uncle's sudden stroke are too much for me," Andie said, returning the man's handshake with a look of sadness.

"I understand this is a difficult time for the Johansson family, but trust me it will pass." The man patted Andie's shoulder to show his empathy.

Meanwhile, back at her house, Margaretha was busy boiling medicinal plants and pounding some of them to treat the poor man she had found on the bank of the river with its clear water.

"His condition is so severe, maybe because of the hard impact that his leg bones are also broken, it's really difficult if only using herbal medicine." Margaretha looked at him with pity. 

Margaretha painstakingly placed crushed leaves on every part of the wounded body while watching the man breathe regularly, meaning there was still hope for life.

"Hopefully he will wake up tomorrow," Margaretha added and walked out of the room.

After a few days, Margaretha did not want to give up on providing treatment from morning to night, patiently paying attention to every development in the health condition of the man whose identity was still unknown.

As usual, her routine in the morning Margaretha had to go out to look for firewood because the warming stove was running low, especially since she was helping someone she didn't know.

"No, dad, mom, help me," the man said softly, his lips moving suddenly his eyes slowly opened but only briefly then closed again because he was heard groaning in pain.

A few hours later Margaretha finally returned with fresh vegetables and eggs that she would cook for tonight's menu.

"What's this?" Margaretha was surprised to find the glass of water she had placed near the man's bed cluttered on the floor.

"Are you awake, son? Are you really awake?" Her sparkling eyes rushed to check the man's body still lying stiffly on the bed.

"No!" The man's voice came back softly.

"Calm down son, you are now in a safe place, don't be afraid," Margaretha replied even though the man still had his eyes closed. Slowly the man's fingers moved as the eyes finally opened slowly.

"Who are you?" he asked softly. Margaretha couldn't really hear clearly because his voice was too low but could still read from his lips.

"I'm Margaretha, you're in my house," she replied with a sparkling smile. The man tried to move then groaned in pain.

"Don't move too much just yet, your wounds haven't healed," Margaretha said as she restrained his body. The man circulated his eyes as his head spun remembering the last incident that happened to him.

"My car hit something and caught fire after that I don't remember anything," he began to sound a little clearer.

"So it's true that you were the victim of an accident that night?" she asked in surprise even though she had suspected so but wasn't quite sure.

"Yes," she nodded.

"Do you remember what your name is?" Margaretha asked cautiously. 

"Ferdinand," the man replied briefly.

"Thank goodness son, this is a miracle but don't move too much I'll get you something to eat." Margaretha ran out of the room to the kitchen feeling so happy that the hard work of taking care of the man had finally paid off.

"Ferdinand eat, no need to get up, you're not strong enough yet I'll feed you," Margaretha said, bringing the bowl closer.

Ferdinand tried to swallow the food given by Margaretha, his whole body was still in pain making it difficult to move suddenly stopped by Margaretha's hand because he was unable to swallow food that tasted absolutely nothing.

"Enough!" he said quietly.

"Alright, now you drink slowly." Ferdinand then signaled that he did not want to drink anymore.

"Enough," Ferdinand said again.

"I'm going out, please continue to rest so that the wounds on your body recover quickly," Margaretha said with a smile, fixing Ferdinand's blanket and then left.

Ferdinand could only breathe a sigh of relief after Margaretha's shadow had disappeared behind a worn-looking wooden door that made him even more uncomfortable living in such a small and shabby-looking place.

On the other hand, meanwhile at the Johansson Corporation's main office Andie had just come out of the meeting room now he had a busier work schedule since being officially appointed as Chief Executive Officer, several large project tenders had been successfully won during Andie's few moments in office making him even more adored and gained the full trust of Levin and Camilla. Levin himself was still in a helpless condition, his body getting weaker with several complications from his illness.

"You see, now it's all in my hands what I want to make and where I want to take this company too, it all depends on me," Andie said as he sat on the chair that was actually prepared for Ferdinand.

"That's right sir, you're great, everything you plan never goes wrong," replies Doni, who has always been Andie's trusted assistant.

"You can rest assured that I haven't forgotten my promise." Andie took out a check from his desk drawer and filled in the check with a fantastic amount. Doni stood in front of the desk smiling with satisfaction as the coffers of money loomed in front of his eyes.

"Now seems like a good time for us to review the location of my Mega project, after this my schedule is empty right?" asked Andie.

"Yes Sir, there are no more client meetings scheduled after this," Doni replied.

"Alright, you're coming with me to Lauterbrunnen!" Andie ordered.

"Yes sir," Doni replied.

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