Chapter 5

Andie came out of his office accompanied by Doni and all employees who passed by saluted. The sports car that only had a capacity for two passengers belonged to Ferdinand but was now used almost every day by Andie, not only the car but almost all of the Johansson family's luxury goods were free to use.

"So this is what rich people are like, huh?" Andie chuckled but her heart ached to use Ferdinand's former facilities.

Ferdinand's health continued to progress quite well although the word for a quick recovery was still far away, after several months passed the man was still unable to get out of bed because his broken leg bones had not fully recovered. 

Margaretha brought warm water and a small towel to clean Ferdinand's body and compress some of the wounds.

"Ferdinand, I'm going to clean you," Margaretha said enthusiastically.

"Enough! I don't want you to do it!" snapped Ferdinand, as Margaretha's hand almost gently massaged his knee area.

"I'm sorry if you feel pain, your wounds are bad so you have to be patient," Margaretha said gently.

"Don't you have a cell phone? I want to contact my family so they can pick me up here?" Ferdinand asked suddenly, his forehead was sweating and his breathing was ragged, making it difficult to hide his fear.

"Are you still having those nightmares again?" Margaretha asked back without answering Ferdinand's question, the man's agitated face readable to her.

"None of your business," Ferdinand replied haughtily.

Ferdinand imagined the same nightmare of his car crashing into something then followed by a puff of smoke and a violent explosion and shards of broken car glass also injured almost all of his body. Ferdinand did not even dare to look at the scratches on his handsome face and the broken bones as his body was blown so far away that it was carried away by the river.

"I've made some fruit juice for you so hopefully it will make you more comfortable and calm, maybe then the nightmares won't come again." Margaretha smiled calmly while tidying up the towel and warm water container she brought.

"Why aren't you answering? I need a cell phone! I want to leave this place and be hospitalized with the best doctors," Ferdinand said, his voice even starting to get louder.

"I don't have a cell phone Son, you'd better stay here until you're fully recovered," Margaretha replied.

Ferdinand turned his face to the right side. His eyes were even full of resentment being in the house of a middle-aged woman he did not recognize was indeed so excruciating, the hard bed of makeshift food was far from the standard of daily life that was usually carried out.

"I'm going to cook lunch, get some rest and don't forget to call me if you need help," Margaretha said and left the room.

"I just want a cell phone so mom and dad can come get me!" Ferdinand shouted loudly as he threw a pillow on the floor covered with dry soil.

"He needs to calm down to accept the situation, hopefully his legs will recover soon so he can walk again," Margaretha said, then continued her steps to the kitchen.

Ferdinand did not want to stay still in a room that was so small, stuffy and even felt so cold when it was late at night he tried to move his body, he had been able to sit up for some time but had not dared to try to get out of bed.

"I have to be able to walk again," he said so sure.

With steps that were still limping trying to get out of the pain in his knees, Ferdinand circulated his gaze not finding anyone, then sat for a while on a wooden bench in the living room while watching the contents of the simple house.

Ferdinand then continued his steps outside the house, his eyes staring in amazement and disbelief when he opened the door to find himself surrounded by such beautiful natural scenery that he had never seen.

"It's amazing that this place turned out," Ferdinand muttered.

His feet stepped slowly and then stopped in Margaretha's yard to stretch his arms and take a deep breath of fresh air. Ferdinand's smile disappeared when suddenly hearing the roar of a sports car in the distance distracted him.

"Andie, Doni, are they both coming here?!" Ferdinand was so happy that he tried to step towards the car that stopped not far from his current position.

Limping Ferdinand forced himself to step even though he continued to grimace at the pain in his knees, occasionally trying to wave but no one realized his existence.

"Andie came with Doni, they must have been looking for me all this time," Ferdinand said as he watched his cousin get out of the car with his confidant.

All his energy was used to swing his legs faster to make the distance between them closer so that because he was too excited Ferdinand didn't pay attention to his steps until he tripped over a tree root and fell on the grass.

"Why did I have to fall now," Ferdinand said irritably.

"This location is like heaven isn't it ? A paradise that will truly become my new business empire," said Andie enthusiastically looking around him.

Ferdinand, who originally wanted to shout for help so that they would know his whereabouts, fell silent for a moment confused by the meaning of his cousin's sentence just now, the man chose to stay in his position hiding behind the tree while listening carefully to the next conversation.

"Yes sir, the location is very strategic and potential, I'm sure the resort and restaurant you build here will become number one in Switzerland," replied Doni.

"Of course, slowly the big name of Johansson Corporation will sink and uncle Levin is right to give all the trust to me to destroy his business from within." Andie burst out laughing after saying that, feeling triumphantly satisfied.

"Andie, Doni, you two have so much heart," Ferdinand thought, he was really surprised by what he had just heard. 

"This is for you Doni! It's a small amount but if it's not enough you can say it again." Andie handed To another blank and filled out check.

"Thank you very much sir," Doni said, his eyes widening as he saw the number light up.

"You had a big hand in getting rid of Ferdinand, your services paved the way for me to get here even though there is one more person I also have to think about but never mind the most important thing is that our position has won. One more thing, when the construction of my international standard resort and restaurant is completed you will be appointed as one of the directors," Andie said with great pride. 

"Once again, thank you very much sir," Doni replied with an excited face. They then walked around the surrounding area while discussing plans for where the tourism business buildings would be located that would benefit him.

The two of them did not realize at all that Ferdinand had been silent on the spot and even his heart felt like it was hit hard after hearing all the conversations between Andie and Doni, two people who were so trusted by his family turned out to be the masterminds behind everything that happened to him.

"So they've made me like this?" Ferdinand muttered, his hands clenched into fists staring at Andie and Doni from a distance with his jaw hardened with anger.

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