Eliana walked into her room and collapsed to the bed, with Laurel strolling behind her. The past few days had been so rough for her and the more she tried to feel better, the more worse she felt.

“You should try and get some sleep. Crying continuously wouldn’t solve any of the problems”, Laurel advised Eliana who was still sobbing profusely.

How could they have hidden something so huge from her? How could the people she called her family turn out to be the ones that betrayed her in the way and manner she never imagined?

“I would be fine”, Eliana said to Laurel who didn’t believe a bit of what she had just uttered.

Laurel walked out of the room and returned with a tray of food and a bowl of water that had a small towel inside of it.

Eliana was currently having a rise in temperature and Laurel needed no one to tell her that she needed to take care of her if she wanted her to stay away from breaking down.

Before Eden had left, he had told her to take care of Eliana and the last thing she
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