The next day was not a good one for Eliana. She was bothered and sad about everything happening around her and despite how hard Laurel tried to be help her out, she couldn’t help her present mood.

“Are you sure about this?” Laurel asked Eliana who nodded her head for the hundredth time.

They were about to make their way to meet with Eliana biological mother and inasmuch as this was a difficult thing for her, she decided to do it.

They entered the car and drove off, with Eliana trying so hard to stop her heart that wouldn’t stop beating.

The both of them arrived in no time; and with their hands entwined in that of each other, they made their way towards the entrance of the asylum where her mother was being taken care of.

With each step she took, her heart thumped heavily and beads of sweats formed on her forehead. Somehow, she wished that she was able to do somehow at that point in time, but she was only a child who had no idea of what happened.

They waited at the reception area and af
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