Vincent came out of the shower and grabbed his robe which he quickly threw over his body. He clenched his fist silently as he walked over to the balcony where he could catch sight of every single thing that happened in the premises of his abode.

A massive scowl made way to his face the moment he darted his eyes towards the entrance of the house.

For the past few days, his eyes had been on the lookout for the person who had been sent to take down the main person who looked after Eden.

Since then, he never got a response from him neither did he have an idea of what might have ensued.

Just then, he caught sight of the young man who walked into the gate and headed straight for Vincent’s quarters. Vincent caught sight of him and quickly walked out of his room and down the stairs, with his anxiousness and eagerness to hear some good news on the rise.

He sent for his right hand man, Aldehard who came out the moment he was summoned. And for the next minutes, Vincent sat across the two men who
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