Laurel was already beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable with how tensed the air around her was. She had thought that telling Eden about how Eliana was planning to get the treaure would make him get closer to her. However, it ended up taking him far from her, and rather than calling her to have conversations with her like before, he totally ignored her.

She was left all to herself and she needed no one to tell her that it was a very bad place to be. Since her heart and attention was still on her treasure, there was need to be close to either Eden or Eliana. But then, that turned out to be going sour.

She tossed on her bed for the hundredth time and almost immediately, an idea slipped into her head. She picked out her phone and quickly dialed a number, with a big smile dancing on her lips. Since there was no way to get close to Eden or Eliana, she needed a partner and she knew the perfect person to have that position in her life.

Laurel agreed to meet with one of the top business m
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