Eliana winced in pain hours into their journey. She held on to her stomach that was beginning to bleed as a result of the stress that they’ve been exposed to.

It came from the place where Laurel had stabbed her some weeks ago. It was quite strange that almost every time, the injury tore open.

“I’m sorry. You have to be patient right until we get to the town. There should be a doctor there”, Eden said as he caressed her cheeks lovingly in a bid to suppress the pain that she currently felt.

Eliana took in a deep breath and nodded. Many things clouded her heart and she couldn’t help but break into quite sobs. Why was her life far from being perfect even if she has always strived for perfection?

All her life, she usually imagined the type of woman she wanted to be. In her imaginations, she saw herself being a lovely mother to young children and having a home where they all come back to after their long day.

That was the type of life she envisioned for herself. However, she got the direct
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