Eden, Elaina, and Arnold finally arrived at the location of the mineral mine after enduring numerous obstacles and challenges throughout their journey.

At first, they had met a group of travelers who seemed to be stranded on the way. Eden had made to get past them without offering to help, but Eliana had insisted that they offered them a helping hand.

However, it turned out to be a form of set up as Eden and Arnold got robbed of everything they had in their possession.

Eden was raged at this point, and no manner of apology coming from Eliana was able to pacify him. He felt that bringing Eliana along was only going to cause trouble and he was beginning to witness all what he had earlier assumed.

“It was only a mistake! I had no idea that they would turn out to rob us”, Eliana tried to plead with Eden who was not making any attempt to listen to what she has just said.

“I’m so sorry! I really had no idea”, Eliana pleaded, with tears forming in her eyes.

It ached her terribly to see that
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