All through the lunch time, Eden and Arnold had conversations about the mine and their plan to get into it without any issues.

“The last time I was there, Vincent’s men were there to launch an attack”, Eden explained to Arnold who wore a big frown on his face.

Eliana wasn’t really interested in the conversation they shared. Each time they talked about the mine, it reminded her of the fact that her parents were involved in something very cruel and wicked as the mine.

At this, she remained mute, while watching them prepare their endless plans. She had a plan to finally confirm Arnold’s true identity and the plan made her quite nervous.

Finally, she cleared up her throat and sat up, trying so hard to avoid appearing stupid or troublesome.

“Arnold…you and Eden always talked about wars and situations where you can’t handle the outcome of wars. There was something you considered to be your code, what is it?” Eliana asked and for a minute, Arnold thought that he had heard wrongly.

He gazed
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