Family ties

Eden was happy about the new life that was ahead of them, but instead of celebrating with his wife - Elaina, he was mostly concerned with the situation of the people that were at the event. He couldn't stop wondering if they all got home safely, after what happened with Vincent and his men.

The issue with Vincent and his men was another issue on its own, one that he planned to tackle after making sure that nobody lost their lives after the inauguration event.

Eden was happy that Elaina wasn't in the room, as she left a few minutes ago, to prepare dinner. He decided to seize that opportunity to call his manager, and make sure everything went well. He rested against the room's door, as he waited for the call to be picked at the other side of it. He was slowly losing his patience, and he swore under his breath to fire the manager if he didn't pick the call after the second ring.

Fortunately for the manager, he managed to pick the call after the second ring. "It's fine, you don't have to
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