
Eden couldn't believe the way everything just changed for the best for him.

A week ago, he was stuck in his in-laws' house, about to lose his life to stress.

He just couldn't believe the fact that everything was going so well for him, because he thought that he was extremely cursed, and nothing could be done about it, but there he was, having a whole company to his name, amongst other great things that were to come.

Elaina had told him that she was going for so many interviews, so Eden just had a feeling that she had already gotten one of them. He was feeling so good about it.

He paced around the room in anticipation of Elaina's result. He thought of calling her, but he stopped himself, telling himself that she was going to arrive soon.

"Elaina, where are you?" Eden asked himself, but unfortunately for him, his question was answered by his mother-in-law's scream. She screamed his name, and commanded him to 'appear before her' in just three seconds.

Eden rolled his eyes, and wondered how that was possible. He waited for her to call his name three more times before he reluctantly left the room.

"You have a lot of things to do. Where's Elaina?" She asked, while frowning deeply at him. He had no interest in talking to her at all, but at that moment, he just had to, to avoid her issues for the time being. Eden was sure that she was going to be so shocked, when she found out about...everything.

The mother-in-law made him do half of the house chores, telling him that Elaina is going to do the remaining whenever she comes back.

By the time Elaina got home, Eden was already asleep, even though it wasn't night yet, it was a few minutes past six in the evening, and he was a bit tired.

"Eden, I'm home," Elaina whispered in his left ear, and Eden instantly jolted from the bed, screaming "I'm up, I'm up," to himself. Elaina watched in amusement as Eden continued chanting that, before coming back to his senses.

"So, how was it?" Eden asked enthusiastically about the interview, but when he saw tears gathering in her eyes, he just knew that the result wasn't good at all. He hated seeing his baby in pain.

"It's fine, baby. It is. I don't like seeing you in tears, El, you know that. So, please, stop crying and tell me what happened." Eden slowly patted her back, trying to make her stop crying.

After a few seconds of trying his best, he stopped begging her to cry, and just allowed her to let it all out, because he knew that she must have been holding the tears in.

"Okay, I think I'm through now," Elaina said, and let out a small, throaty laughter, after a few minutes of crying. Eden raised her head from his shoulder, and wiped her tears off.

"What happened?" Eden carefully asked Elaina, and he could see the hesitation to answer in her eyes, but he wanted her to speak, so he'd know how to help her.

Elaina cleared her throat, and she told him how she went to the first company, and they embarrassed her, by telling her that she looked so unkept and rough, that the only position she could occupy was that of a cleaner.

Immediately she told Eden that he stood up from the bed, and walked a few steps away from her, with his back turned against her. He was angry, so angry that someone actually said that to Elaina, his Elaina.

"It's fine, Eden. It really is," Elaina stood up to meet him, but he only urged her to finish the explanation. He felt like there was more explanation that she had to give, and he was right!

"I went to this company, the name was A-jay, and-" Elaina started saying, but Eden stopped her, by turning around to face her. He had a look of surprise on his face, and Elaina wondered why that was so.

"A-jay?" Eden asked to be sure, because the name of the company that was given to him by Arnold, was also A-jay.

"Yes. Is there a problem?" Elaina asked and took his face into her hands, with worry written all over her face.

As soon as Eden saw that Elaina looked so worried, he plastered a fake, reassuring smile on his face, and told her that nothing was wrong.

"I went there, and with the way they all looked at me, I could tell that they weren't happy with the way I looked. Even with that, I went on with the interview, because I was happy to see that I met all the qualifications that they needed. However, after the interview, they told me to leave, that they were going to get back to me, but with the way they told me that, I am expecting the opposite from them," Elaina said, and looked away from Eden.

She went back to the bed and buried her face into a pillow, not wanting to cry again.

What Elaina said annoyed Eden so much that he could literally feel smoke coming out of his ears. The fact that Elaina passed through all that in one day, was so disturbing to him, and he couldn't just shake the feeling off.

Eden's fury at Elaina's rejection from the interview, only fueled his determination to help her. He knew that her skills were worth more than any fancy clothes or appearance.

Because of that, he decided to help her all by himself, while making a promise to himself to do that immediately.

However, he knew that he couldn't just do that when Elaina was still around, so he went over to her, and begged her, telling her that everything was going to be fine.

Even though Elaina didn't believe that everything was going to be really fine, the way Eden assured, she still nodded her head, and forced a smile to appear on her wet face.

After Eden was sure that Elaina was gone, he knew the next thing that he had to do.

Taking matters into his own hands, he called the company to arrange for a replacement interview board, all while keeping his actions a secret from Elaina.

Without returning the greetings the manager said to him over the phone, he asked, "did you conduct an interview with a woman named Elaina?"

The manager stuttered a little, before saying yes to that.

"And you rejected her?" Eden asked again, pushing his fiat against the wall to hide his anger. The manager answered yes again, and Eden shouted at him, asking him why he did that without thinking.

"She's my wife, call her back and tell her that she got the job before Monday. It's an order!" The new CEO of Ajay company, Eden, commanded and the line went dead immediately.


The next day, as Elaina waited to hear back from the company, she began to doubt herself and questioned whether her appearance had indeed been the reason for her rejection.

She started thinking about how she needed to change her clothes, and her appearance as a whole, but she knew that she couldn't ask Eden for any help, because she thought that he was struggling on his own.

Little did she know that her husband was now the new boss of the company that she was rejected from, and he had pulled some strings to ensure she got the job.

Ever since she was rejected, Elaina had been crying so much, and the night before wasn't an exception at all.

That night, she had made up her mind that she was going to cry herself to sleep again, because she was still hurt.

Eden watched her as she went about with her daily activities, while acting so moody.

He wanted to tell her not to worry, that everything would be fine, but he knew that she wasn't going to believe it until she saw the result herself, so he decided to chill and just wait for the magic to happen.

Later that day, Elaina suddenly saw her phone ringing, with the words 'unknown number' displayed boldly on the screen. She hesitated for a while, before wiping her wet hands on a rag to pick the phone.

"Hello?" She carefully said, and waited for the caller to speak, before pressing the phone against her ear. As every second ticked, the reaction on her face kept on changing - from anger, to shock, to surprise, then to happiness.

She really couldn't believe her ears, and she had to pinch herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming at all.

She wasn't!

Elaina was offered the position of a manager with an advance payment.

Overwhelmed with happiness, she searched for Eden to share the good news with him, but he was nowhere to be found, leaving her worried.

She was overjoyed and grateful, little did she know that the new boss was no one other than her beloved husband.

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