Unleashed Fury

Elaina continued searching for Eden, but he was nowhere to be found. She was a bit worried, but she didn't have the time to even bother about his whereabouts, because she was way too excited for that.

Giving him a last chance, she called his phone for the seventh time in nine minutes, but his phone just kept ringing, without him picking it.

Elaina let out a small sigh, and left her phone on the table beside their bed. Instead of being sad and wondering where Eden was, she decided to celebrate her happiness with someone else.

When she thought of that, only one person came to her mind. Laurel.

Since laurel is the only one that hates them the least, celebrating her happiness with her sounded like a great idea.

With different harmonious hums escaping from Elaina's mouth, she happily skipped outside her room.

Before running across the hallway to meet laurel, she checked everywhere, to make sure that nobody was in sight, her grandmother especially. Elaina was sure that if her grandmother had seen her with a grin on her face, then she would have been in so much trouble.

"Laurel! Laurel! Open the door, it's Elaina," Elaina whispered to laurel's door, hoping the girl at the other side of the door actually heard her. A few minutes passed, and Elaina was still outside the door, hoping she was invisible to anyone that passed the hallway at that time. She was about to knock again, when the door opened.

"What happened? Come in," laurel said at the tip of her voice, before Elaina had the time to shush her up. The moment Elaina's feet got inside laurel's room, she started jumping again, screaming at the top of her voice.

Laurel was a bit confused, so she grabbed Elaina's shoulders to stop her from jumping and she repeated the first question that she asked when she opened the door. "What happened?"

Elaina was already a bit calm, and she instantly told Laurel everything that happened, without mincing any words. By the time she was done explaining, Laurel was the one jumping then. She was so happy for Elaina, because she knew how much Elaina and Eden had actually suffered.

"That's so exciting, El!" Laurel squealed happily, and pulled Elaina into a warm embrace.

"What's so exciting?" A slightly deep voice that sounded exactly like Elaina's grandmother's, said from the door. Laurel and Elaina slowly turned around to find her standing there, with the deepest frown that they had ever seen, on her face.

"I'm asking again, what's so exciting?" She repeated in a deeper tone. Laurel and Elaina had been so happy that they didn't notice her standing there. Without waiting for any answer, she went inside the room, and dragged Elaina by her ears, leading her outside.

As the woman dragged Elaina outside, Laurel trailed behind her, profusely begging her to at least spare Elaina's poor ears. By the time they got to the living room, Elaina's ears were already so red and hot.

"Tell me what's exciting now, in front of everyone!" The woman commanded, and Elaina glanced over at laurel, before parting her lips to speak. Elaina told her about the job that she just got, and how everything happened, leaving most parts of the story out.

Immediately she finished speaking, the atmosphere changed, and the room became stuffy. The fresh air was masked with jealousy and envy from the family members, whose evil eyes were fixed on Elaina.

"Is that true?" The grandmother asked Laurel scornfully, and Laurel replied with numerous head nods. There was a long pause in the room, as everyone was deep in thoughts, most of which were related to Elaina's shocking news.

Four minutes passed, and everywhere was still as quiet as a graveyard, with only Elaina's shallow breathing being heard in the background. Elaina was starting to regret telling everyone about the job offer, and when she saw the grandmother staring at her like she was a piece of trash, she knew that she was absolutely correct.

"I'm not surprised, no wonder you've been going out so much. It's because you've been going to see men, eh? You've opened your legs for them to-" the grandmother's mouth continued running, and Elaina couldn't take it any longer.

She didn't think that her family members were going to be happy about the news, but she didn't expect them to be that unhappy about it either. "Just stop, please! What do you mean by I opened my legs for men? I only told you that I finally got a job, and now you're telling me this? I don't understand!"

After saying all that, Elaina was breathless, but she wasn't ready to stop. "Oh, Elaina! You used to be so sweet, but now, you have sex with bosses to get jobs? That's way too bad. I thought you were only poor, I didn't know that you were a who-"

Elaina stopped listening. She covered her ears with her hands, and while doing that, she ran to her room, with tears streaming down her face. Just when she thought that she was finally going to be happy, that happened.

After Elaina left, Laurel tried defending Elaina, but all the family members insulted her, telling her that she didn't know what she was going through. That made laurel so angry, and she knew that the only solution was calling Eden to save Elaina, so that was what she did.

When Eden heard everything laurel told him, and how the whole family members made Elaina cry, when she was supposed to be happy, his blood started boiling. The news already put a hold on whatever he wanted to do at that moment. The only thing that was ringing in his head was how he was going to get to his wife, and make the people that made her cry pay.

Laurel left her room, and she went over to meet Elaina, but she couldn't, because she already shut the door. Laurel kept on trying to make her open the door, but Elaina refused, telling Laurel that she wanted to be alone.

By the time Eden got home, he already saw Richard, sitting in the living room, with one leg over the other, like he owned the house. When the family members saw Eden, they exchanged weird looks, and before anybody said anything, the grandmother walked forward, and pointed towards Richard.

"I'm sure you know this man, Richard, your wife's former colleague?" The grandmother asked, waiting for a reply from the angry man. Eden didn't answer her, he only looked away from her, urging her to finish whatever she had to say to him because he had no time for nonsense.

"Anyway, he slept with your wife and gave her a job. Tell him, Richard!" She finished, and gave Richard the opportunity to actually say the nonsense that he had to say. Richard excitedly lied against Elaina, and confidently said that he did have sex with her to give her the job.

Immediately he said that, Eden moved closer to him and grabbed his collar, daring him to speak I'll against his wife again. He was about to hit Eden, when Elaina, who had been hiding behind a wall, ran over to him and dragged him backwards.

She didn't like the way things were turning out, but the only thing that'd have made things worse, was if her husband got hurt because of her. So, she managed to take him into their room, and when they got in, she collapsed on him, crying against his chest.

"I promise, Eden. They are lying against me!" Elaina wailed, and Eden raised his hands to rub her head, to calm her down. When she wanted to explain to him, he told her not to worry, because he already understood everything.

Elaina stopped crying thirteen minutes later, and she wanted Eden to continue staying with her in the room, but Eden's mind was somewhere else. He wanted to end Richard on the spot, for even having the nerve to kit against his wife.

"I have to go, Elaina. We can't just stay here, and allow those people to get away with what they did. They hurt you, and we need to confront them about it." Eden said to Elaina, and without waiting for an approval, he stood up from the bed, and started walking to the living room.

Elaina called after Eden, but it was too late. He was already far gone, preparing to confront his in-laws, not caring about the fact that he's actually meant to 'respect' them.

By the time he got to the living room, he saw that Richard was already gone. If he hadn't left, then Eden would have murdered him on the spot without feeling any remorse about it.

What they did to Elaina was the height of it all, and no one should even dare to treat his wife that way. He frowned and swore to put an end to the family's cruel behaviour.

With a steely determination in his eyes, Eden marched into the lion's den and confronted Elaina's accusers head-on.

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