The troops that was left outside the town's walls dispersed to smaller groups and began to encircle the town. They have every entry point sealed, small UAV's now guards the town 24/7, watching everything they do. They've enforced a blockade, this is a formal declaration of something short of a war.

A surveillance plane was also stationed to monitor the situation. Reinforcements from the border has been called in. A company sized mechanized infantry with a company of tanks and artillery are now beginning to make their way. An equipment cache and a special forces platoon was also then airlifted towards the town.

They have now have the tools to either rescue the Prince stealthily or go in guns blazing.

"Reinforcement will arrive this night. We got tanks and self propelled artillery along with another dozens of troops, I've been told they are hastening their pace. It's a full Combined Arms company from our battalion and of course air support will provided by both the army and the air forc
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