The quiet open fields beyond the border of the Cardonia was rattled by the sound of diesel and gas engines. A massive convoy of military vehicles are rushing in towards the towm where the Crown Prince is held hostage.

A whole company sized are tasked to supplement the troops that the Prince bring with him. These are the from Prince's Battalion, the stationed troops from the town of Celeb were quickly assembled. The whole company consist of two platoons of mechanized infantry along with a tank and artillery platoon.

The APC's lead the way followed by tank platoon and further back are the artillery battery and the command section, in command is Lt. Col. Jhames Choro. He personally asked to make him the Command Officer for the reinforcments.

They made their way om the grassy plains and overcome hills. It was as easy task for their vehicles, even with the absence of roads the vehicles made it through.

It was past midnight when they've arrived on the outskirts of the town. After a few obse
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