Chapter 2. Worthless Boyfriend.

 Alaric couldn't believe his eyes. It was his girlfriend Sasha, with another guy, who he quite recognized. Norton, the quarterback. He tried to say something, but stuttered upon every attempt, making him look foolish. 

 Rage was boiling in him, and he clenched his fist, while the tears brimmed in his eyes with his mouth agape, staring at them as they continued their ever-passionate romance.

 He yelled at her, and shock filled her eyes, when she jumped out of his arms, turning around to look at him. The other guy, who he could recognize as Norton, the quarterback who just humiliated him had anger flitting across his eyes because Alaric had stopped them from what they were doing.

"What the hell are you doing here Alaric?" Sasha demanded, as the fear in her eyes swiftly changed to annoyance. 

"What the hell are you doing with this guy?" He asked, with a low-tuned voice, as he looked at Norton whose hand was still wrapped around her waist. He was quite muscular and tall, with strong fierce green eyes, and a sharp jawline.

"Stop this, Alaric. Don't make a scene. Calm down, we can talk this out together," she said, trying to explain. Alaric didn't find remorse in what she said and was angrier as she spoke.

 He who was betrayed was asked not to make a scene. 

"And who the hell are you? Aren't you the poor loser of the school?" The guy asked, shoving Sasha to the side, and facing Alaric.

 He had humiliated Alaric earlier, and had even come to fantasise in his girlfriend's arms.

"Who am I? You're asking her boyfriend that question and you were enjoying it with my woman!" Alaric yelled.

"Your woman?" He scoffed, turning to look at Sasha.

 She came in between both men, holding Alaric back as he took some steps forward.

"Stop this, Alaric. This is not it. You shouldn't be fighting against him. He's Norton, and know he's a very good guy," she explained.

"You're telling me to calm down? So that next time you guys can do this again?!" He yelled. 

 He didn't believe he was working his ass off, trying to save some money to get a gift for his girlfriend, and she was here, fooling with another guy?

 More painfully, with the guy who always humiliated him every time.

  The anger coursed through his veins, and it was like he should tear the man apart.

"Yes, Alaric. Calm down! Don't act so silly. Moreover, we weren't making love. We were just…"

"Just what? You're telling me to keep shut when you were fooling around with him? I loved you Sasha, and you betrayed me," he said. The tears spilled out of his eyes, forcing their way out and dropping to the ground.

"Don't be a wimp. Don't tell me you're getting all emotional and worked up because of this."

"A wimp? You tell me that after all we've been through. You're my girlfriend Sasha!"

"But I never loved you!" She yelled at his face, griping him. 

 His heart was shattered right that instant, and his mouth fell wide open. 

"What? You never did what?" He stuttered, not believing his ears.

"Yes, if that's what you want to know. That's the real deal. Our relationship was just a game - a truth or dare game; and I never really loved you. So, man up and face reality!" She shouted at him. 

 His vision blurred as the tears formed in his eyes, and his heart raced faster.

 Besides Sasha, no one in the world truly accepted him as a person. They all bullied and considered him weak, stupid, dumb, and poor, and while he thought he had a real girlfriend, she was stabbing him in the back. All an act to fool him. 

"But I loved you, Sasha," he said, his voice beaten with shock, and the heartbreak evident in his tone. "I loved you."

 Sasha chuckled hysterically. 

"Loved me? Come on. Let's say the truth. Look at yourself in the mirror, Eric, are you a person? You're just garbage in human form. You don't deserve a classy girl like me. Besides, I have Norton, and in case you don't know, he's a megastar in school soccer, with so many accolades and Oscars, and he's rich. I don't care what has gone on between the two of you in the past. Well, you won't know what is wealth because you're nothing like that," she cursed at him.

 His heart shattered tremendously, and he didn't believe what she just said. She humiliated him, and they laughed at him, both his ex-girlfriend and the man she was with.

 For her, Norton was a better choice - the guy every woman would dream about, and she was lucky to have him. Alaric was definitely inferior to Norton. He was poor and couldn't afford anything, and Norton was very wealthy. 

 Nothing in comparison.

 Alaric clenched his fist in anger. He would make Norton pay. He fired at him and grabbed his collar, but was no match for the latter. He was taller and more physically looking, and his big frame shoved Alaric to the side. Alaric attempted several punches and jabs, all of which Norton missed out on, and Norton bumped him against the locker, and landed him a big right hand to his face, sending Alaric to the ground, and rolling out to the main living room. 

 He groaned upon landing on his chest, and Norton twisted his arm on a reflex, pinning him, grunting, and holding him down.

"Let go of me," Alaric growled, gritting his teeth in pain.

"Shut the hell up, loser. Hey Sasha, grab me the marker," he ordered. Sasha rushed to the desk to get the marker, and he took it, writing a horrible note on his shirt.

 It said: SORE LOSER.

"I guess that's what he is - a sore loser. I guess he should know who to fight before he throws a punch next time." Norton hissed, and grabbed Sasha by the waist, walking off, as they laughed at him.

 Alaric winced in pain. It was too much to handle. They all hated him, they were so cruel to him. Even as he was betrayed, he was beaten.

 He was going to make them pay, and revenge. The greatest revenge ever. 

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