Chapter 3. Billion-Dollar Heir.

 Alaric knew the cause of all these. He was always humiliated in the greatest way possible, and it was because he was so poor. They treated him badly. Coming from a very poor family, he knew he had to fend for himself for stipends, and he had just received the worst insult in his life.

 After all, money was what they all cared about. 

 He felt shattered and betrayed. More than that, he felt hopeless and frustrated. There was nothing good coming for him, and it was time he gave up the will to keep going.

 If he was just going to die, then it would be better. His passion, soccer, was a game that required cumbersome effort, and if he didn't work for it, and earn a living off it, he was going to starve.

 Wiping the tears off his face, he sobbed. Everyone who was going to see him would call him a loser, because of the inscription. He was filled with pain and despair, and he walked out of the changing room. Passing the hallway, they taunted him, and everyone who passed laughed, some throwing dirt and gunk at him, while he managed his bruised and battered body out of the place. 

 He walked out of school, with his backpack covered in death, and some other parts of his body aching furiously. He was about to take a step when his pocket buzzed. He picked out his phone and saw who was calling.

 His dad.

 Dad must have been worried about him.

"Hello Dad," he said, trying to tone his voice, but was unable.

"Hello, Alaric. Don't hang up yet. It's time I tell you the truth since you're of age now."

"What do you mean dad?" He asked, still unsure of why his father was calling. 

"You're the son of a very wealthy family in the state, THE HEIR WITH OVER $500 BILLION ASSETS."

 The words came in a rush, and Alaric couldn't process them. Checking if it was really his father speaking, he cleared his throat.

"Hello? Father? Is this you?"

"Yes Alaric, I know you're in a big shock, but this is the truth."

"Stop daydreaming Dad. Half a trillion assets are something someone can only see in his dreams."

"No, Alaric, I'm telling the truth. Don't get angry that I hadn't told you this earlier, but it's the truth. When your grandfather told me, I too was shocked, and I didn't believe it, but I came to know that you're not from our family, but from somewhere else," his father mouthed out.

 He didn't know how to respond to that. It seemed like this was a trick call to dupe him, but he didn't have anything that any criminal would want. How far was the technological advancement to not be able to use this as a trap?

"I guess you called the wrong person. I'm not sure if you know me. Whoever you are, please, I don't have anything on me. This is the wrong person," he stated.

"I am your father, Eric. Well, your foster father, since I'm not your real father. You have to believe me," his father said.

"How can I believe something like this?" Alaric asked in bewilderment.

"All right. I already sensed this coming. Since you don't believe me, I will transfer the sum of $100 billion to you."

"A hundred billion!" He gasped, almost shouting. He didn't know if this was real.

"Yes. Expect it soon. Don't freak out son," his father said and hung up on the phone.

 He didn't believe it. This was too good to be real. Maybe the fraudster was disappointed that he was only a poor lady and had to hang up quickly. This wasn't real. This had to be a scam.

 Out of frustration, he left to unwind. That was the best thing to do in this situation. 

   Waking up the next morning, his head pounded furiously from the destructive hangover. He had spent every single penny he had on himself, and suddenly, he picked up his phone. A notification from his bank.

 $100 billion credited to his account?!

 He gasped in shock. He couldn't believe this. It was as if he was in a dream, but the intensity of the situation was nothing of such in any dream world.

 His phone buzzed and rang, and he picked it up immediately. It was his father.

"Do you believe what I told you now?" He asked. 

 Alaric nodded, so much in shock to be able to say a word.

"Y-yes. I believe you now, Father. I do!" He said in excitement. He breathed heavily, his heart racing at a ramping pace as he stared at the alert in shock.

 "This can't be real!" He said to himself. Tears of joy spilled out of his eyes, and every note of the message kept ringing in his ears. He was a billion dollars richer, and this was just the slightest that was to surface.

 His life would change for the better! He was now a rich man! A rich heir. He couldn't believe this, but it was real, though still unclear to him. 

 His mind flashed back to how he was humiliated and hurt by his schoolmates because he was poor. He was treated so cruelly by them, and wouldn't be accepted in their class.

 Now it was his turn. He was now wealthy. It was time to shove in their faces the insults he received from them. This was his time to make sure that he made them pay.

 He would finally get back at them for hurting him in the most atrocious way possible

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