Chapter 4. Legacy At The Top.

  "Remember this Alaric. You are rich now, and you have to pay respect to your family. I'll send you the address, and you will have to meet them. Both your mother and father are classical trillionaires, and you have to pay your respect to them as their son. You will have to meet them and thank them for what they have done, and you must make sure to never forget their kindness," his father explained. He nodded his head.

"Yes, Father. I'll do that," he said, still not believing how such a miracle could happen.

 When was wishing that his life would end, a kind of unexpected miracle surfaced before him and made a huge impact on his life. He couldn't believe that his life would change in just a matter of minutes.

 He rolled his eyes everywhere in the room. It looked like gunk in here, a small bubble, but his eyes saw gold. 

 Everywhere was covered in gold in his eyes, and it seemed that the shock was affecting him so much.

"You'll receive a package soon. I sent it. It is to represent your family. You have to carry it wherever you go and make sure you have it intact. It is to represent your family since it is a prestigious one," Aleric's father said, sounding so serious.

 It was finally time to get rid of the poverty that he swam in all this while, and it was time to be rich, Alaric thought. He would make sure to take action and make the people who hurt him pay, and they were going to see that he was nothing like before.

 He clicked his tongue and paced around the room in anticipation. While ecstasy was buzzing in him, anxiety was coursing through his veins. Hearing a knock on the door, he quickly went to the door to open it. Reaching there, he paused and breathed heavily.

 He was going to receive something that was representing his prestigious family, something that he never thought would even be true. But it is happening now.

 He opened the door and met a uniformed man, who smiled at him, upon seeing his face. Alaric smiled back, wondering why he owed the delivery guy such an embrace. 

"Are you Mr. Alaric Wright, son of the prestigious Wright family?" The man, in a soft tone, asked. Alaric didn't know how to respond. He thought that this was just going to be an ordinary delivery, but it seemed that he had underestimated the royalty of his family so much.

 He wondered what it would be like knowing them. What it would feel like to get back the things he lost.

"I am Alaric Drones," he said, wanting to bear his birth name before he was considered a part of a grand family. It would feel awkward bearing their name before he even got to see them or know them.

 Though he had 100 billion dollars in his account sent to him, he considered it a gift and not an inheritance. For him, he wasn't worth it. 

"Well, Mr. Alaric, I am Simon, the Chief messenger of the Wright family, and with me is an epitome of honor, a sign of dignity. As a member of the Wrights, you have to accept it, I plead," he said, putting the package stretched out, and genuflecting before him.

 He was short of words. How could he deserve so much respect? How was this even possible?

"Please, gentleman, I know that you're so much older than I am, and I beg you to stand up. I don't even deserve this," he claimed, so astonished by the whole situation. 

"Young master, please accept this symbol of the Wrights as their son and only heir of the family," he repeated.

 Alaric was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. He just stared at the man, and slowly, brought out his hands to receive the gift. The gentleman arose after Alaric received the gift.

"Please take it young master, and make sure that you have it on you all the time. You have to make sure to take it, and every one with practiced eyes would see and know that you're the sole heir of the Wright family," he told Alaric. 

 Alaric nodded, and his eyes twitched, in shock of what he was witnessing. It was all happening like magic, and he never expected a day like this to come.

 First, he was shattered, and then, an unexpected miracle showered upon his life. He was a billionaire, and now, he had to accept being the sole monarchical heir of the Wright family. A family of honor.

 He couldn't wait. 

"Young master will see the Matriarch, Mr.s. Wright, your mother, since the sir of the house is overseas for some business deals," he said.

"When will I see my parents, and how do they know that they've chosen the right person as their son?" He asked, a hint of confusion so apparent on his face.

"I'm sorry little master, however these questions are beyond my knowledge. I am not permitted to slip it out of my mouth even if I was aware of the answers to your question. I will come in three days' time, and you will see them. Have a nice day, master," he said.

 With that, he turned around and left. Alaric watched as he proceeded out to the luxurious limo parked before his house. Even the messenger was riding in a luxurious car.


He turned around, shutting the door closely behind him. Going over to his bed, he slumped on it with the package.

 The designed heading of the box read: 'to the incredible young master of the Wright household.'

 He unboxed the packaged, which was so protected by several other forms of merchandising packages and fancy stuff. Getting a hold of the main box, he held it up to his face, and his heart raced suddenly. 

 He was anxious about what it would be. He slowly opened it, and was shocked to see what it was.

 A ring plated with gold and 18 carat diamonds on the bezels, he stared at it wide-eyed and in shock. He couldn't believe his eyes. He tried to calm down, but each time he did, it was ruined by the sudden outburst of shock in him. 

 Panting heavily, he took the ring and attempted sliding it into his finger when a notification dinged on his phone.

 Pocketing the ring, he picked his phone up, and saw the message. It was from Kimberly, the college princess who was very kind towards him, besides his ex girlfriend Sasha. They were the only two people who accepted Alaric, and now that one of them had betrayed him, he was going to shower the other with his appreciation.

"Kimberly is holding a birthday party? I must make sure I get her a good gift," he declared. 

 It was time to fire back at those people who didn't truly love him, and betrayed him, and make sure to pay back good to the ones who really loved him for who he was. Now he was rich and could do whatever with his money, it was time to show them what it felt like.

 A life of the legacy at the top. 

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