Chapter 7. Unexpected Twist Of Fate.

 Sasha couldn't believe her eyes and it seemed like magic as Alaric walked out of the store. Both she and Norton were surprised, and her eyes widened.

 She felt like she had so much wronged him in the past, and was ready to put everything out. Just yesterday she insulted him and cursed him, choosing someone else over him, but she was feeling the love bloom again.

 She was finding it in her heart to come closer to him.

 Alaric made his way out of the store and was about to leave when he felt a pair of hands grabbing onto him. He stopped for a while, before turning around to see who it was.


 She had a remorseful look on her face as if she wasn't happy with herself, and she clung to him tightly. Norton was furious as his girlfriend was going back to her ex.

"Sorry, Alaric. I doubted you and insulted you. I don't know why but I was blinded by status and fame, that of Norton. I see what it's like to be really in love. I am so much in love with you Alaric. Please accept me in your life," she cried.

 Alaric didn't quite understand the whole situation. Why was she begging? After all she had done to him? She was the one who made sure to derogate his status and called him a lowlife, and she was here pleading for his mercy.

 She definitely must have had a change of heart after figuring out that he was rich, he thought.

"Wait? If I'm not wrong, isn't that your boyfriend behind you?" Alaric jested, pointing at Norton, who had his fists tight, ready to throw a punch anytime soon.

"Sorry, Alaric. I never meant to hurt you in the first place. Please find it in your heart to forgive me," she pleaded.

 He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"I think you should first…" he paused, grabbing her hands and moving them away. "Take these dirty hands off my body," he added, curling his lips. He turned around to leave, running his hands down his hairline.

"Alaric please!" She begged, with a much louder tone. It was pretty evident that she was remorseful.

 Even if it was all an act, she needed an award for it. 

"I'm sorry Sasha, but the time to forgive you is long gone. I think we had so many good moments together, but it's high time that you realize you can never win me back. From what you said yesterday, I could see how much of a golddigger you are," he mouthed furiously. 

"What? Me?" She asked, with her eyes wide open.

"Yes you, Sasha. You can never be the one for me. I see that the only thing you care about is money, and you are only defined by it. There is nothing else that will satisfy you. You probably saw that I was well-loaded and you decided to ask for mercy right?"

"No Alaric, you're getting it all wrong. I'm serious and I truly lo…"

"Just shut up Sasha," he shunned. "Don't say any other word, or else…"

"Or else what?" Norton said, walking up to them and standing in between. "What the hell do you want to do to her?"

"Well, since the man of the house is here, I guess I'll have to leave. Norton, you better watch out for your woman, or else, I might take it out on her whenever I feel like it," he said, turning around to leave.

"I'm sure that's not your card. Come on Sasha, don't be fooled by him. Everyone here knows that this is not his card, and of course, he must have taken this card from someone, to deceive us and make us look at him like he's a rich fellow huh?"

 That must be it. I know Alaric isn't this rich," Sasha added.

"I knew that you were cunning Sasha. Well, it is my card, and there's nothing any one of you two can do about it," Alaric defended, turning around to go.

"Come Alaric. You stole that card," Norton said, getting on his skin. Everybody concurred with him, and he turned to look at the saleswoman who was also nodding. 

 The scene attracted several other eyes in the massive store, and Alaric was angry that everyone was on Norton's side, including the saleswoman who he thought was on his side.

"The card is mine, Norton. Don't get on my skin, and just leave with your girlfriend," Alaric warned, wearing a serious face.

"You stole it. I also saw you stealing from the store, don't lie," he accused.

"What? Stealing from the store?" The saleswoman gasped in shock. Another woman, supposedly the manager, walked up to them.

"Now don't deny it Alaric. You stole from the store. I saw it for myself," Norton accused.

"What? You stole from our store?" The manager asked, surprised and a bit angry. 

"Empty it, Alaric. You have to show us that you didn't steal from the store. Don't act all clean and innocent when we all know that you have done something that deserves punishment," Norton claimed.

 Alaric's eyes rolled at Sasha. He knew that she wasn't so pleased with the entire situation, but she had to wear a good face as if she was okay with it. 

 He shook his head, denying the claims. 

"This is why you can never be accepted on the school soccer team because of your classlessness. Look at the way you look, so tattered, and your behavior has proven it all. Now, you want to deny being a wretched folk?" Norton taunted.

"Shut your mouth okay? You'll soon watch how I get you out of that team."

"Enough of both your sports career goals. I need you to empty your pocket and make sure you bring it out before I call security to take it out on you," the manager threatened.

 Alaric had no option. He had to do as they said to prove that he was innocent. Why would he steal anyways? 

 He was richer and better than that. He had to search his pocket inside out, a couple of things falling out into his hand and he placed them on the counter.

 Unfortunately, one was a diamond hairpin. As their eyes rolled at it, they gasped in shock.

"What?!" The manager yelled, and Alaric couldn't believe his eyes.

 What the hell was this?

He stole from the store?

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