163: Mason's Threats

The sleek, modern corridors of Enermig buzzed with activity as Eric Radcliffe made his way through the bustling workspace.

Dressed perfectly in a tailored suit, his aura was of confidence and authority as he headed towards the area where a new development was underway.

As he approached the project site, Eric noticed a figure lurking in the shadows, watching him intently. His eyes narrowed slightly as he recognized the man: Mason Hargraves, a thorn in his side since the days of his humble beginnings.

"Mason," Eric greeted, his tone cool but wary. "What brings you here?"

Mason stepped forward, his expression twisted with malice. "You know damn well why I'm here, Radcliffe," he sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "You've made my life miserable for too long, and I'm done playing nice."

Eric's jaw tightened, but he refused to let Mason's words unsettle him. "I haven't made your life anything, Mason," he replied evenly. "You brought this upon yourself with your own actions."

Mason's eye
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