Chapter 8: Nemesis Catches Up

Back in the Greystone’s Mansion, chaos loomed after Ryan was thrown out of the house. Zara was furious at her father for hitting her and humiliating Ryan. She resolved to destroy everything in her room while yelling aloud.

Mr. Benedict Greystone could do little or nothing about it as she made sure to bolt the door before unleashing chaos. “Please, open up my Angel. Your boyfriend is safe, I promise. I will reconsider my decision if you open this door.” Mr. Greystone pleaded. She blatantly paid deaf ears to her father’s pleas.

The Notorious Three went to their respective homes after completing the big mission they had set out to do and even added a side quest by killing an additional person. The Greystone mansion shined in the predawn darkness, its grandeur masked by the shroud of night. Inside, the air is heavy with tension, the silence broken only by the soft sound of Astrid's careful footsteps as he navigated the narrow corridors trying not to notify anyone of his presence by waking them up.

Astrid moved with practiced stealth, his movements fluid and precise as he skirts the edges of the grand interior, avoiding any creaking floorboards that might betray his presence. He ascended the staircase with a grace born of familiarity, his heart pounding in his chest as he neared his destination.

As he reached the entrance of his darkened room, a sense of unease washed over him. The hair on the back of his neck prickled with apprehension as he hesitated, sensing that he is not alone.

With a flick of fear and anxiety, Astrid flipped the light switch, illuminating the room in a harsh glare. And there, seated in the shadows like a dark specter, was Mr. Benedict Greystone, Astrid's father.

Mr. Greystone's eyes gleamed with an intensity that sent a shiver down Astrid's spine, his expression unreadable as he regards his son with a mixture of scrutiny and disdain. His presence filled the room with an oppressive weight, casting a pall over the already somber atmosphere.

Astrid swallowed hard, his throat dry as he met his father's gaze. He braced himself for whatever confrontation may come, knowing that he must tread carefully in the presence of the formidable patriarch of the Greystone family.

Mr. Greystone called in with a cold and commanding Voice, “Astrid!”

Astrid froze, his heart skipping a beat as he met his father's steely gaze. The tension in the room is noticable as they lock eyes.

Astrid replied with a strained voice, “Yes, Father.” Mr. Greystone's expression remained straight as he regarded his son, his piercing gaze cutting through Astrid like a knife.

Mr. Greystone slowly responded, “What are you up to, Astrid? Do you now enjoy sneaking around like a thief in the night?” Astrid swallowed hard, his throat dry as sandpaper, as he searched for the right words. Astrid carefully replied as he stuttered, “I... I just wanted to... check on something. I didn't mean to disturb anyone.”

Mr. Greystone's eyes narrowed, his suspicion evident as he studied Astrid's face for any sign of deception. Mr. Greystone replied skeptically, “Is that so? And what exactly were you checking on, please tell? Astrid hesitated, his mind racing as he struggled to come up with a convincing answer.

Astrid hesitantly answered, “I... I thought I heard something. A noise, outside. I wanted to make sure everything was alright. Mr. Greystone's gaze remains fixed on Orion, his expression unreadable as he weighs his son's words.

“You wanted to make sure everything was alright outside for the past 7 hours of your absence from home, you nitwit?” Mr. Greystone exclaimed, his angry expression written all over his face. Astrid found himself stuttering once again, “I---I---I –did….” “Shut your fucking mouth boy!” Mr. Greystone cuts in. 

“I will ask you just once and I want nothing but the truth from you. Where is the Celestial Reliquary you took before you left the house?” Mr. Greystone enquired. “Dad, I did not take the …..” A loud gunshot that narrowly missed Astrid cut his words short. 

“Son, you know I never miss, right? Within the last twelve hours, I have been lenient to one person who messed with the family’s heirloom. This time, I won’t be as gracious as I was because I don’t show mercy twice in twelve hours, even to my own blood. So, be careful with your reply because I will ask one more time; where is the Celestial Reliquary? You have ten seconds before a bullet goes through that thick skull of yours.”

At this time, Astrid had already wet his pants as he was certain his father was not bluffing. He decided to come clean and hand the family heirloom back to his father. However, on touching his neck, he felt empty. THE HEIRLOOM WAS MISSING!!! Mr. Greystone had already counted down to five already. 

“Dad, I promise I can explain. It is not what you may be thinking. I did not sell the Celestial Reliquary. It must have fallen down somewhere outside. Let me go ….” Astrid said hurriedly in pandemonium. 

“3, 2, 1…………” Mr. Greystone counted down. Bang!!! The sound of gunshot reverberated through the intense atmosphere and a loud clash to the floor of a solitary figure followed suit. 

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