Chapter 9: An unknown Land

As the gentle waves of the sea carried Ryan's battered body from the city of Halcyon Bay to the shores of Aquanor, he stirred from the depths of unconsciousness, his senses slowly returning to him like a ship emerging from the fog. Blinking against the blinding light of the sun, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, his mind clouded by pain and confusion as to how he was still alive.

But as he reached a trembling hand to his chest, he felt the familiar weight of the necklace his mother had given him before she died its presence a comforting reminder of her love and protection. And as he examined the shattered remains of the box pendant, his heart skipped a beat at the sight of the half-shaped heart pendant nestled within the locket, its intricate design bearing a striking resemblance to the Celestial reliquary coveted by the Greystones which he had been earlier accused of stealing. 

The necklace he had always worn given to him by his mother had a box shaped pendant. However, the bullet that was shot at him had hit and shattered the box pendant revealing a half-shaped pendant that looked exactly like the half-shaped heart Celestial Reliquary of the Greystones. 

“Could this be the other half piece of the Celestial Reliquary? Where did it come from and why is it inside mum’s box pendant? I couldn’t care less. It saved my life I guess and that is all that matters.” Ryan thought.

With a mixture of wonder and trepidation, Ryan traced his fingers over the crestgem embedded within the pendant, his blood-stained hands trembling with anticipation. And as he made contact, a surge of power unlike anything he had ever experienced coursed through his veins, flooding his body with warmth and healing energy. In an instant, the crestgem embedded within the pendant began to glow with an ethereal light, bathing Ryan in its radiant glow.

Shocked and exhilarated by this unexpected discovery, Ryan dared to hold on longer, his grip tightening around the pendant as he got lost in the glow of its celestial light. But as the power intensified, so too did the darkness that lurked at the edges of his consciousness, whispering evil promises of untold power and forbidden knowledge. 

“Say yes to me and have the world bow at your feet”

“Change your reality with the powers of the Celestial Reliquary”

However, a voice, soft and familiar, echoed in the recesses of his mind, calling out to him with a haunting melody that sent shivers down his spine. 

“Ryan! Ryan! SON, KNOCK IT OFF!”

"Mama?" Ryan whispered his voice barely a whisper as he strained to make sense of the surreal scene unfolding before him.

And then, as if in response to his silent plea, the darkness parted, revealing the spectral form of his mother standing before him, her eyes filled with sorrow and longing.

"Ryan, my dear child," she murmured, her voice a gentle caress against his soul. "If you are seeing this, it means that somehow, the Celestial Reliquary has revealed itself to you with your blood. You carry within you the key to unlocking a power greater than you can imagine. But beware, for with great power comes great responsibility. You must use it wisely, for the fate of our world depends on it. Beware the darkness that seeks to consume you. Embrace the light within your heart, for it is the true source of your strength."

“But mum, I miss you. I want to be with you and dad,” Ryan said amidst tears. His mother replied, “It’s not your time son. You are the harbinger of balance and there is a lot left to accomplish first in the world before you come join us. However, you must be very careful. Your father left you a message in the Archane treasury before his death. In there is the Enigma Sanctum with a symbol of a swirling vortex surrounded by celestial constellations. This symbolizes the convergence of cosmic energies and the unlocking of hidden mysteries within the safe. The Celestial Requilary is your key to unlock the safe. Go find it before your stepmother does. Sage Starflare Dreamweaver will guide you.” 

Ryan was trying so hard to keep up with his mother’s words, “Mum, who is Starflare Dream…….” Evangeline sharply cuts in, “I love you my dear son.” Immediately, she vanished. 

“Mum! Mama! Mother! Come back!” Ryan exclaimed as he tried chasing her. 

“Watch where you are going big man,” a manly voice immediately brought him back to the scenery of the sea shore where he had almost stumbled on a kid in pursuit of his mother. “Ohh… I am sorry.” Ryan said apologetically. “It’s fine man! You are ripped and well in shape. I must say you have really been putting the work in the gym,” the man replied and walked away. Ryan thought the man was being sarcastic and wanted to body shame him. He cared little about the man’s remarks as he was already used to being insulted for his obesity.

With tears streaming down his cheeks, Ryan released his hold on the pendant, his heart heavy with the weight of his mother's words. And as he gazed out at the shimmering sea before him, he knew that his journey was far from over, and that the power he wielded carried with it both the promise of salvation and the peril of damnation.

Ryan was not sure what next to do. However, he knew if he was going to find the Archane Treasury and whoever Sage Starflare Dreamweaver was, he needed shelter, food and most especially, clothing as he was stained with blood. He decided to follow a narrow path that had footprints of human movements.

As he delved deeper into the narrow alleys of Aquanor, a strange sensation began to wash over him, like whispers echoing in the recesses of his mind. Voices, soft and insistent, called out to him, their words a tantalizing invitation to explore the hidden depths of the city. 

“Welcome to Aquanor, a city of crazy wonders nestled along the sun-kissed shores of the endless sea. Here, the light blue waters stretch as far as the eye can see, their gentle waves whispering tales of ancient mysteries and untold treasures.” A voice said. “Thank you so much, I really…….” Ryan turned around to acknowledge the person who had the affection to welcome him to the city but couldn’t see anyone. “I must be hallucinating or my mind is messing with me right now,” Ryan thought aloud. 

The voice continued, “As you wander through the maze streets of Aquanor, you'll find yourself immersed in a symphony of colors and sounds. The buildings rise like coral reefs from the depths of the ocean; their walls are adorned with detailed designs depicting scenes of mythical creatures and legendary heroes.

Every corner of Aquanor is filled with life, from bustling markets overflowing with exotic fruits and spices to unsual seaside cafes where travelers gather to share tales of their adventures. The air is alive with the tang of salt and the melody of seagulls soaring overhead, their cries echoing against the amazing sky.

But it's not just the sights and sounds that make Aquanor so enchanting—it's the spirit of the city itself. Mystical runes adorn the doorways of homes and shops, offering protection and guidance to those who seek it. 

In Aquanor, every day is an adventure waiting to unfold, and every sunset brings the promise of new beginnings. So come, lose yourself in the magic of this enchanting city by the sea, and discover the wonders that await around every corner. Now go find the Archane….”

Caught off guard by the intensity of the sensation, Alex couldn't help but exclaim aloud, his voice cutting through the tranquil hum of the seaside. “SHUT UP!” Ryan exclaimed as the voice in his head grew louder. “Just stop! ….. Who are you and why are you in my head?” 

And it was then that he caught the attention of a man standing at the water's edge, his gaze sharp and piercing as he regarded the battered figure before him.

  “Are you sure you are alright, lad? You have been talking to yourself for a while now” The same man that had complimented him earlier came by again. “I don’t know man. I keep hearing voices in my head,” Ryan replied. “You must be the Viper then,” the man said jokingly which made Ryan chuckle a bit.

“It’s obvious you are not from around here. Are you? I mean judging from your blood stained cloths, it is evident you must have been battered by some people. Are you alright?” the man asked looking so concerned. “I think so. Do you by chance know where I can find the Archane treasury?” Ryan asked. But to his surprise, the man's reaction was one of disbelief, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Immediately, the man’s eyes widened in shock. "The Arcane Treasury, you say?" he mused, his gaze sweeping over Ryan's blood-stained clothes with a mixture of pity and skepticism. "That's no place for the likes of us, my friend. Only the wealthy and powerful have access to such luxuries."

Disheartened but undeterred, Ryan was about to turn away when the man offered him an unexpected lifeline. "But perhaps I can be of assistance," he said, his voice softening with compassion. "Come; let me treat you to dinner at my humble abode. We can discuss your search further over a warm meal."

With a grateful nod, Ryan followed the man away from the seashore, his heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty yet buoyed by the glimmer of hope that had ignited within him. Little did he know that this chance encounter would mark the beginning of a journey that would forever alter the course of his destiny.

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