“We cannot let this happen. We must save our captain.” The middle-aged man whispered to a few of his crewmates while on the deck, despite the attacks that their ship is continuously receiving.
“But how can we do it, especially when he sees us as his family? He would rather go down with us than let us save him.” One of them replied to the middle-aged man, “What are you planning?”
“I have a plan! I will knock him out, even when it sounds terrible, then I will pretend to be the captain and will surrender. I will plead that the men should not be executed or marked as a slave, but instead, be sent to the Shadowcoast.” The middle-aged man seriously said as he watched the other ship preparing for their next attack.
“To the Shadowcoast?! That is even more horrible than a death sentence!” One of them suddenly gasped, baffled.
“What kind of place is a Shadowcoast?” One of the new crewmembers asked while loading up the cannon.
“It’s a frontier that doesn’t have any magic available. They only use steam and old-world technology there. It is a godforsaken place that is used as a prison. “ He continued to explain, “Once you go there, you will not be able to go out. It is closed off from other worlds. Mountains and a vast sea that only a magical airship can fly there surround that place.”
“It seems dreadful.” The crew stated as the story sent shivers down their spine.
Taflen sighed and continued, “If you try to cross it with a steam airship, you won’t have enough power or protection available against storm winds that are surrounding it. And if you try to enter through the sea, the sea monsters and the swirling storms will destroy your ship. It is a closed-off continent that is marked as a dangerous region in all of the maps. Mostly as I said, it is used as a prison, but some bold people decided to travel across and live there.” He looked at their captain, apologetically, “You have to survive and live. You have to, you hear me?”
“There’s still a place that relies on steam?” The newbie asked, feeling curious and worried at the same time.
“Yes. Even when we are now advanced from the steam age and our magic research is way advance and better than the thing that they call science, in Shadowcoast, they don’t want to send mages.”
Another senior crewmate said, “The higher-ups suddenly prohibited the mages from creating magical devices in that place. Despite that, there is a fact that if you use magic there, you may end up blowing yourself up. There is also the fact that you will not be able to use magic there as the continent forbids it; those who tried to violate this rule, has brought death into themselves as they blew themselves up. And some even said that they could not use magic at all.”
The senior crewmate patted Taflen’s shoulder and gently said, “Don’t worry too much. Cap’n saved us all; I’m sure he can survive and rebuild Night Rose.”
Taflen, the middle-aged man, said while he lighted up the cannon, “You’re right. Captain will definitely survive.”
“So, are you with me or not?” He asked and everyone one last time
Silence around them lingered for a while until everyone around him nodded to agree with his plan; they said, “For Night Rose, we offer our humble sacrifice.”
“For Night Rose,” Taflen says
Meanwhile, Arwin looked at the situation around her and realized that her airship would not last that long anymore. She was welcoming death with open arms; she lived long enough, she thoughts, and she already created a legacy even if it wasn’t entirely true.
She smiled and was relieved that she could die on her airship surrounded by her family and started to recall all her precious memories since she got the ship.
But suddenly, someone interrupted her thoughts.
“Captain, do you hear me?” The middle-aged man asked.
“Yes, Talfen. How could I not hear you?” Arwin answered him and flashed a rare smile that did not match their current situation, “I will always recognize your voice as you were the first man who joined my crew, and I am glad that I can die with you on my side.”
Arwin takes a glance at the black ceiling with all the skulls of their enemies hanging from it now collapsing. She remarks, “It was a great journey indeed.”
“I’m sorry for doing this, Captain. We are truly sorry for doing this, Captain.” Talfen answered and quickly hit the captain’s head with a wooden club. It was powerful enough to knock the captain out. He whispers even when the captain can no longer hear him properly, “We are deeply humbled and grateful for taking custody of a crew like us.”
He wanted to be careful, but he knew that it wouldn’t make the captain faint if he did that.
Talfen looked sorrowful when he saw the captain fall while there was blood gushing out from her head with the last look that she gave him.
Her eyes showed surprise and asked him, “Why?” Talfen felt more pitiful and said, “Captain, I hope you’ll understand. This is best for all of us, and we just wanted to save your life. This is our way of paying you back for giving us the chance to live again fully.”
Talfen continued, “See you in hell, cap’n.”
Talfen took the captain’s hat from her head and started to undress the long coat off her body carefully, and only leaving her undershirt, pants, and boots.
He didn’t even realize that Adam’s apple was missing from his captain’s throat and petite body. He only focused on making her look like an average robber amongst the others, while he is busy dressing himself as a captain.
“Everyone! I hope you understand my situation and that this is the best for you all. I will try to save as many of you as possible and send you to the Shadowcoast. In return, I ask each of you to keep the real captain’s identity as a secret.” Talfen announced to the crew, and everyone just silently agreed, as they feel indebted to Arwin, “Live and rebuild Night Rose. We will not fall here.”
They all said their farewells to each other. Some confidently said, ‘let’s meet in the next life’ or ‘see you at the Shadowcoast’ while hugging and giving their last prayers to anything or anyone they believed in. They hid the fears of the unknown and treacherous journey ahead of them with smiles and all.
Taflen says, “Damn, I really wanted to drink tonight at the pub, but I guess it’ll have to wait.”
Another crewmate puts his bloody arms around Taflen and mocks, “What? You think there’s alcohol in hell?”
“Depends.” Taflen continued, “I think I’m a VIP down there, so there better be some damn alcohol.”
Soon after, Talfen announced with the help of magic, “This is the captain of the Night Rose. We will only surrender if you accept one condition from us. Otherwise, we will fight to the bitter end and will take as many of you as possible with our downfall to the unknown!”
The leader of Crego’s army looked around him and saw how almost the third of his wyvern army was destroyed, and from the original fifty airships he had brought, only thirty-five was still in the air. The Night Rose, on the other side, was still upright and shooting at them.
He didn’t want to get any more casualties amongst his men, so he answered, “We will hear your condition, but I cannot promise that we will fulfill all of it as you’re not exactly in the place of negotiations.”
He signaled to everyone that they should stop their attacks and regroup; Talfen continued, “Either you agree, or you die with us, we guarantee you.”
Some of the army were protesting against the leader’s order, for they were certain that if they continue to attack the Night Rose, they can destroy them soon enough.
“We only have one condition, and it is that some of our men would be taken to the Shadowcoast. We still have newbies here who haven’t lived long enough, and I don’t want them to suffer in slavery nor receive a death sentence for the little time that they served in my ship.” Talfen firmly responded, “Spare them.”
The leader of Crego’s army gave this idea a few minutes to sink in; he wonders what they’re playing at; even Lars seemed uneasy; he seems to be confused by this sudden surrender. Night Rose isn’t one to surrender, but Lars didn’t say anything.
The army had doubts, but they weren’t exactly at a disadvantage by sending them to that godless place.
“I swear in the name of Crego, that I will personally send your young men into the Shadowcoast in exchange that you and most of the seniors surrender yourselves. We will personally select amongst you who we will send there.” The leader of the royal army finally answered back.
“We got a deal! We will now stop shooting, and we will only allow you and twenty of your trusted men to board us while the rest can get close to confirm that we would do anything fishy to break our deal.” Talfen said, and this simple deal made in the air marked the ending of the Night Rose era.
The royal armies were silently celebrating their victory, narcissistically praising themselves for finally making Night Rose surrender. They imagined themselves going back home with the highest accomplishment.
The brave leader of Crego finally captured the pirate ship that was terrorizing the air. Night Rose was no more.
The Night Rose crew took one final glance at their collapsing airship and reminisced everything that they had been through with that airship.
Lars noticed Taflen as he walks out; he instantly recognizes that it wasn’t their captain; Lars announced, “Wait, they’re lying that’s not the cap-“
But before he could finish what he was going to say, a senior crewmember of the Night Rose shot Lars using a pistol making the royal guard shoot him. Taflen felt a sting in his heart as he glances at the senior crewmember mouthing before gasping for his final breath, “For Night Rose.”
Taflen closes his eyes and continued forward; he says, “You have to understand. Lars betrayed us.”
“I know, so instead, I shot him and not all of you, now hurry your asses up to the ship.” The royal guard mocks, “You’re even less than animals right now. So high and mighty, I knew you’d surrender in the end, captain.”
Taflen wanted to burst the guard’s heads open, he couldn’t just sit still while they’re mocking the captain, but he fought the urge and instead said, “The Night Rose will avenge us.”
“Yeah, whatever, captain.”
The “captain” of the Night Rose and most of its men were sentenced to death by hanging or beheading while the Crego’s army leader was hailed as a hero throughout the nation.
Some of the lucky crewmembers were sent to the Shadowcoast. Among them was still an unconscious Arwin who is completely clueless about what happened around her.
Related Chapters
The Night Rose Chapter 4
“Argh!” Arwin groaned after someone, splashing cold water on her, suddenly woke her up. She felt intense throbbing pain in her head. Half asleep, she slowly tried to stand up but immediately stumbled down and realized that it was because she was shackled on the wall. Arwin was chained, both her arms and feet, with a normal and rusty metal. She protested, “What the―” Before Arwin could see what else is wrong with her, someone suddenly hit her on the head, and the pain woke her up completely. She then finally realized that she wasn’t alone inside that reeking place. She started to look around and saw that there were at least twenty others, shackled, in the same manner as her in the dim room. The place looked like a cave with nothing but stones and metals binding them, but why couldn’t she get out? By now, her crewmate must’ve rescued- Her thoughts were cut off and soon turned to worries, where’s the rest of her crew? Their ship? She tried
The Night Rose Chapter 5
Arwin just watched carefully how the land was getting closer and closer. She had only heard rumors and some published facts about the dreaded Shadowcoast when she was a pirate, but she didn't know more than that. But now, a dark and terrifying island looms in front of her, waiting to eat her alive. The name came from the mountains that laid massive shadow to the never-ending coast. Otherwise, she didn't know what to expect from the place and what she would find out from there. "Oh right, as we have traditions here, every one of you will get one pistol and one close combat weapon when we get to the island. We will also provide you a limited amount of ammunition, but if you shoot at the airship, our guards with rifles will happily pick you up from the coast and use you as a ranged practice.” The guards smirked as he continued, “But of course, as we are in prison, we will make it more exciting to you, and everyone one of you has to draw two sets of paper
The Night Rose Chapter 6
Some of the prisoners left. They thought that they could survive without hearing any advice and guidance while some were trying to find local contacts that could benefit them in their survival in the continent. "I see. The five of you are the only lucky ones who decided to stay and listen to the poor old me. Congratulations! You will be keeping your life for a little longer!" he said with fake happiness while clapping his hands. He then continued, "As I said, I'm Sam, and now when those who wanted to leave are gone, we can start our exploration from the bottom of this city.", Sam said and started to explain the city's history from the beginning to the current day. He explained how the first people came to the continent and how there was a history of numerous massive fights for the ownership of the continent. Then he started from the natives and local fauna around them and how the kingdoms were stuck in the dilemma of choosing between the people and royalties
The Night Rose Chapter 7
The truth is, most of the things that she had seen so far since she stepped foot into the island were really unexpected. Just like, when Arwin stepped inside the huge Northguards building, she saw how buzzing the place was. People were continually coming inside and leaving, and people were chatting and eating at the kitchen side. "Small fry, get out of the way." Someone suddenly said in disdain and roughly pushed Arwin to the ground. The same also happened to some other misfortunate people who weren't lucky enough to dodge. "Are you alright? You seem to be new here. I have never seen your face before.", someone said curiously and gave a hand to Arwin to help her up. Arwin took the hand and was pulled up and saw that a staff member was looking at her. "Yes, I just came to this lovely continent, and I decided to try my luck here as I need money." Arwin fought the urge to protest and honestly answered to the staff m
The Night Rose Chapter 8
"I'm done now with answering the papers," Arwin announced, and Tom looked at the time. "You still have over twenty-five minutes left. Are you really sure that you are done? Are you sure you don't want to recheck the papers?" Tom asked while in his mind he was thinking. 'She's just an arrogant fool that doesn't know what the best for her is. How could she be done with the test this soon? I even gave her less time than the usual, and more questions to diligently answer. Still, she thinks she's done. "Yes, I'm done, mister supervisor. I even checked my papers and looked at the questions that I had thoroughly answered twice." Arwin honestly replied and gave the papers to Tom, who just silently snickered and took them. "If you say so. I will then check these papers through," Tom said, but he already had made his mind that he won't let Arwin pass and pretended to read the papers. After a while and after flipping through the last paper, he announced. "You fa
The Night Rose Chapter 9
"Hey! hey! Don't collapse now! We will arrive soon at the infirmary, so don't collapse yet." The man said to Arwin, who was wobbling around as her headache was getting worse every second. The world was spinning around her, everything was getting blurry, and her sight betrays her. It was worse than the time she had been drunk with three barrels of ale. "Oh, shit! Wait here, don't move." The man said while realizing that Arwin's condition was getting even worse. 'Those shitheads! Finally, when I found a perfect employee and would have gotten my bonus, they had to injure her to this extent! I don't know what she did to get thrown out like that, but I hope it will benefit us at least.' The man mumbled to himself as he placed Arwin down and made sure that she was sitting correctly and was leaning against a wall for support. Then he started to run straight forward, and after a few hundred meters, he stopped and started to bang at the door hurriedly.
The Night Rose Chapter 10
"Hey, is the boss here now?" Timothy asked the secretary that was working on with a stack of papers. She looked at Timothy, annoyed, and sighed before saying, "No, that man did run off again, leaving all of the paperwork to me as usual. So, I hope you are not in trouble or did something horrible again, as I absolutely do not have the time to deal with it now." The secretary said, before releasing a deep breath of exhaustion as she looked at the stack of papers that are still waiting to be done, “If you see him, do tell him to go to hell for me, okay?” "Oh, don't worry, I may actually have a new employee for us. Here would be the recommendation papers that I wanted to give to the boss," Timothy answered while looking at the secretary. "Oh, just leave them at the boss’s table like usual. He will check them out later when he comes back.” The secretary replied and continued giving such a tired smile to Timothy, “Don't worry, I will remind
The Night Rose Chapter 11
"Timothy! Watch out! There is someone-“ Timothy’s boss tried to warn him, but he was too late, Timothy was already bleeding, someone hit him at the back of his head. Timothy’s boss continued making such a painful face as if he was the one who got hurt, “Oh, ouch, that must have hurt…" Timothy saw stars for a moment, and blood and wine were dripping out from his head; he was still dizzy, but he gained his composure and mocked his attackers, “What a cheap trick to hit behind my back.” “It’s tactic, you piece of sh*t.” “Yeah- a lazy one.” Timothy continued Suddenly the attacker behind Timothy grabbed him and started to choke Timothy. He said to the ape looking man in front of him, “Boss, I got him to let's teach him some manners now." The ape looking man didn't let this opportunity go and started to throw punches at Timothy simultaneously and powerful ones. Timothy couldn't do anything than receive those vicious hits to his stomach. Timot
Latest Chapter
Chapter 249
Arwin walked calmly. Wendy saw her when the young woman said, “Yes, everything turned out for the best, they gave everyone immunity, and they decided to unsubscribe. The army’s way of doing things is not the best!”Wendy, with a smile, said, “It’s true. It is not! But it’s good that the republic doesn’t follow them anymore. They’ve been close to me for a long time, so you don’t have to worry!”Smiling, Arwin thanked him and said, “I know! The mafia has done a lot for us, and we are available. We will open a special commission agency, and we can take on any job. Any…!”Wendy, with a smile, said, “I’ll keep them in mind then… Tell me! On the hand, how does it work?Smiling, Arwin nodded, saying, “The hand works great! Just like Strickland’s arm, though, he only knows how to complain….!”Wendy nodded and, seeing Arwin said, “That’s great, but if you don’t need anything, what did you come to do? Just to say hello?”Arwin nodded and said, “I wanted to know how you were, but more than anyth
Chapter 248
Arwin was unconscious and the warm hand of a person she knew brought her back to reality. Everything was collapsing, and a one-armed man was pushing hard to remove part of the railing that was above it.“Luca.”She whispered when she saw the effort that the man-made toward her. She placed both hands on the railing and, helping him between the two of them, managed to lift her, she looked at him, and he said, offering her a hand, “I was worried, and I came to see how you were!”She, smiling, took his hand and, standing up, said, “It was difficult, but I did it! Is dead!”Luca smiling, began to run to the side of Arwin. Both were injured but kept a steady pace walking to get out of that place. Arwin seeing him, looked at his bandaged leg and said, “You managed to beat Skyler!”The smiling young man looked at him and said, “Nine times out of ten, she would have lost… I was very lucky!”She looked at him and was sure that he was speaking sincerely. However, she also knew how efficient he w
Chapter 247
Arwin looked at the man walking towards her. Her shirt fell to the ground and showed a torso full of scars. The man raised his hands, looked at the pirate, and said, “It is said that you were the captain of a pirate ship. Is that true?”Arwin tightened his muscles, and the smiling man said, “I also!”With speed, she approached. For Arwin, it was strange to see a person of that size move at such speed, the man launched two direct blows to Arwin’s face, and the young woman, moving her head from side to side, managed to avoid them.He prepared a strong uppercut and threw it at the girl’s face. She tilted her face back to avoid the blow, but she could only feel the impact and see the entire room move around her. She didn’t understand what was happening.She was sure she had dodged it, but now the whistle that deafened her ears was in accordance with the erratic movement of the lights when the next blow caught her in the stomach.She felt a powerful hollow in her stomach as her legs failed
Chapter 246
Arwin looked straight ahead at the swordsman of the black knights, the corpses of his companions adorned the entire anteroom, and he said, smiling, “After killing you. I’ll go find that Skyler guy and finish him off!”She, smiling, calmly breathed as she squeezed the handle of her gun. In that place, the smell of blood began to permeate everything, and the man in front of her said, “This is it. It’s the end!”Taking a step forward, he pressed the handle of his sword. That action generated a reaction from Arwin, who, with full power, advanced. Their steps were synchronized, and in a fraction of a second, the blood on the ground splashed from their strong steps until they crossed each other and stayed behind their enemy.They both calmly smiled, and it was one of Arwin’s daggers that broke at that moment. She looked at it and straightened up, and looked back when she said, “The weapons of the black knights are unmatched!”Seeing the man, he fell to his knees, and slowly, his hands went
Chapter 245
Luca watched Skyler. Every move in his mind ended with the man stabbing him somewhere in the body, and even though the sword was severed and its reach reduced, Skyler didn’t look fazed in the least.In a normal fight with a normal person, Luca would have the advantage because of his armory on his arm, but against Skyler, all those weapons were useless. Something about that person was extraordinary, and his ability to fight was beyond everyone’s expectations, including Luca’s.Skyler bending her knees forward, jumped towards him, Luca raised his arm, trying to anticipate the blow, but the union member did not reveal his attack until the last minute.With a precise sword strike to the abdomen, Skyler made Luca step back, activating the barrel of his weapon. He opened his palm so that it pointed at Skyler, and the young man, only leaning forward a little, managed to dodge the shot.Swinging his sword hard, he hit Luca’s arm with the edge making his hand do a huge flip, and with his bare
Chapter 244
Arwin and his men arrived at the antechamber of the emperor’s room. They all looked at the door ornamented with the symbol that was the shield of the empire on the doorknobs while they breathed deeply. Arwin said, “Once we go in, probably if we find opposition, they have to be careful and attack firmly. We don’t know what’s in store for us!”But that was not entirely true, and she had a clear notion of what was waiting for her behind that door. Seeing her companions before entering, she said, “Listen, if there are any black knights entering behind this door, I want you to retreat immediately… if you stay, you will die!”One of the soldiers saw her and said, “We will not retreat. If we even die, we have to make sure to make your mission easier, and if the black knights are behind this door, then we will have to face them, that’s all!”She smiled, the support of her men always lovely, and kicking the door hard, she had a split second to see the formation in front of her.Four soldiers a
Chapter 243
Holly looked back and could see Loid storming in, firing her gun and sliding on her knees to get behind the wall her grenade had built. Seeing Holly, she asked, “Are you okay?”She was happy to see him and smiling. She nodded, breathing deeply. Loid saw how a fragment of the wall deteriorated and, looking to the side, said, “First, we must move. This won’t last long!”Coming out of the side of the wall, he raised his rifle and, firing several times, managed to hit Ben in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Looking at Holly, they both began to run at full speed towards another iron container.From the ground, Ben threw his nails, trying to kill them, but they moved quickly and managed to take cover.Loid was surprised, and seeing Ben stand up, he asked, “I gave him six shots. How the hell is he intact?”Holly, with a hint of frustration in her voice, said, “He’s reborn. I shot him in the head, an explosion with a grenade, I even hit him with a forklift, and he’s still whole. It won’
Chapter 242
Luca was right in front of his enemy. The man in the white suit was smiling despite the wound on his shoulder. The man was looking at Luca carefully when he said, “Do you think you can survive this time? This injury was because you took me by surprise!”With those words, the man threw himself on Luca. He threw a hook hoping that Luca would protect himself but instead, the soldier moved his head from the place of the impact avoiding the blow with ease.The man looked at that, but, far from being discouraged, he launched a strong kick to the abdomen, but Luca, moving with his legs, got out of the reach of the blow. The man started throwing combination after combination, but Luca moved his body kept away from him.The frustrated man felt the pain in his shoulder when Luca smilingly said, “It’s not space mechanics. If I can’t cover myself, then I’m going to dodge everything you throw… your physical condition isn’t very good!”The smiling man shook his head and said, “As if they hadn’t tri
Chapter 241
Arwin was running at full speed. The corridors turned into different paths but they had their path well established. They exactly knew which direction to go thanks to Holly’s help. However, the girl had stopped responding, and that puzzled Arwin a bit as he advanced with a glance. A quick glance at the troops that were with her, the girl stopped.She was looking at her men curiously when one of the Mafia soldiers asked, “What’s wrong, Arwin?”She is a quick movement, took out her dagger and, throwing it at full speed, stabbed one of the mafia soldiers directly in the chest, and all the soldiers raised their rifles to point at her. They were terrified when she, without paying any attention to them, saw how the man stabbed in the ground became another person.The guards looked at each other and saw Arwin, and the girl said, “Apparently, he can change his appearance and clothes at will... I don’t know when he replaced one of you, but he did!”One of the mafia soldiers looked at her in su