The Once Crippled Billionaire Is Back For Retribution
The Once Crippled Billionaire Is Back For Retribution
Author: Edam Knight
1 • The Devastating News

The glowing lights that filled Campbell's residence shone through the incoming dusk with so much glory, causing the building to stand out.

It was July the 8th; a day they specially dedicated to celebrate their family history and origin and this had become a historical event for the Campbells that they did annually.

It is often characterized by beautiful decorations, lighting and tasty meals. It was almost as large as a ball only that they hosted it right in their home. Countless guests would troop in to take in the affluence the family willingly exposed and they would interact with the upper class individuals, flexing their wealth in every way they knew how to.

Today was just like every other day and the dinner party had come to an end and the Campbells had just bid the last set of guests goodnight, before shutting the world out.

The matriarch of the family, Daphne walked across the living area where the party had happened and cast a loathsome gaze at Roman who was busy wiping the glass cups that were used by the guests.

“I want to believe that those glass cups will be handled perfectly because if I see any cracks, I would add some cracks to your empty skull.”

Her face showed how vicious her heart was towards him as she rolled her eyes and walked past him, inspecting the rest of the dishes.

Roman simply nodded and focused on his task as though his life depended on it. He clearly did not want to get into any sort of trouble with Daphne.

“Everyone, gather here. I have got an announcement to make,” Amanda yelped with undeniable excitement, spelt out in her voice.

“What could this be? Are you finally moving out of my house?” Daphne teased with a dampened smile.

“Mother…” Amanda whined, “why do you want me out so badly?”

“I was joking. Okay, let it out, what is this announcement? My ears are itching to hear what you have to say.”

Amanda cleared her throat in preparation to divulge the news she had for her family while Roman wiped the glass with dedication, wondering what it was she wanted to say.

“Guys, I am pregnant!” She spilled the tea with excitement and Roman's hands began to shake till the glass cup slipped out of them and crashed to the floor.

“You're what?” Daphne and Jemma; Amanda's sister, chorused in unison.

“You cannot mean what you just said!” Daphne yelled.

“How can you allow yourself to get pregnant for that weak, godforsaken fellow?” Jemma asked with a dumbstruck face and a glance at Roman who was still filled with awe at the rude awakening news he had just heard.

How could she be pregnant? His mind raced with several thoughts. “We have never had sex since we tied the knot. How then did this occur?”

As though she had read him through his thoughts, Amanda replied sharply with a vigorous shaking of her head accompanied by a heartfelt, “May God forbid such an incredulous situation. How would you ladies even think so low of me?”

She let out a sigh of disgust and rolled her eyes at Roman who shifted his gaze from her daunting gaze.

“I have never let that half man lay his filthy hands on me. Why should I?” She mocked him before turning to her mother and sister who were now visibly excited.

She flipped her hair proudly and her eyes danced with excitement, “I am having a child with Colton Paterson, the wealthiest and most wanted Bachelor in Los Altos hills, California!”

“Oh my God!” Jemma exclaimed, “this is something to be proud of, sister. You finally made us proud!”

“I must say that I am heavily impressed by your choice. How did you two even meet?” Daphne asked, her face lit with excitement.

“Don't bother about the details mummy, just know that your daughter is getting hitched with the man of her dreams, not that waste of a man seated in that wheelchair!”

Roman felt his heart tearing apart as he listened to his wife, Amanda and her family speak so many ill and vulgar things about him.

He was filled with confusion and wondered what he had to do, whether to wheel himself out of their presence or to sit there like a statue while they hurled insults at him.

“Just look at him seated there, so helpless and unable to do anything for himself. Such a weak man,” Daphne grunted and cursed him.

“So, you are definitely going to get rid of this fool in no distant time, isn't it” Jemima seemed the most excited about her sister's pregnancy for Colton. “I mean, what is the point of keeping him here? He is of no use.”

“I think tonight, we should just celebrate and be happy for me. Can we talk less about him?”

Daphne pulled Amanda into a warm hug and planted kisses all over face with a robust smile sprawled across her face.

“You have made me a proud grandma,” she yelped and Amanda laughed, Jemima joined in.

The Campbells were having the time of their lives.

Roman could not take in more of the hurtful scene so, he wheeled his chair out of the living area and gradually back to the small room they had assigned to him, a year ago.

His heart fluttered and pain swept through him.

He could not hold back the tears that found their way down through his cheeks, he was a broken man.

All his mind could do was battle with the thoughts of how he ended up within the four walls of the Campbell's mansion.



The work week came to an end and Roman was excited to round up his duties at work.

“Are you gonna hang out with us today?” his colleague Mark asked and Roman shook his head.

“I have other engagements,” he replied and picked up his bag.

“The lady from the charity event?” Mark teased and Roman laughed.

“It is absolutely none of your damn business Mark. Stay in your Lane and see you on Monday.”

With that, he strutted out of the office and bid Mark goodnight.

He had barely walked out of the gate and walked down a mile when he saw a car driving towards him with an intense speed. It seemed as though the driver had lost hold of the wheels.

Roman tried to get off the road, but the car also veered off the road towards his distraction and bang! A total blackout followed.

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