7• Deadly Discovery

The guests were murmuring about his clumsiness while the Campbells were furious, especially Amanda.

She walked towards him with aggression and pulled him up from the ground.

“Why are you embarrassing me in his form?” She snapped at him.

“It was not me. Jemma pushed me down the stairs,” Roman replied sharply, holding himself still in the wheelchair.

Jemma raced down the stairs, acting as though she was a victim.

“That's a lie!” She sneered at him, “he is lying! He was forcing me out of the way and fell off instead.”

Amanda turned to Roman whose lips were agape and slapped him across his face in front of the guests.

“You scoundrel! How dare you? I have swallowed your shit for so long and I am done!”

The guests murmured about the scene. Everyone was shocked at how badly Amanda treated Roman but no one dared to say a word.

Daphne saw that the situation was about to escalate and she rushed to their side, pulling Roman's wheelchair away.

“Get yourself to your room and stay locked in!”

Roman wheeled himself away, trying his best not to feel so heart broken. But his heart was tearing apart.

He was choking on his pain.

“I am sorry for that disaster,” Daphne tried to save the situation and win the guests over.

“Roman is quite a pushover and of course, Amanda's hormones are raging.”

She said it with a smile and the guests laughed out loud, causing the tension within the hall to dissipate.

While they partied, Roman was locked away in his room, feeling so terrible.


Two days passed and Roman and Amanda didn't say a word to each other.

She avoided him like a plague and he did the same thing, trying to protect himself from their abusive nature but it did not stop Jemma and Daphne from taunting her whenever they got the chance to.

One morning, he was trying to get his mail when Amanda appeared at the door, beaming with smiles.

Roman was shocked to see her that light hearted and happy.

“I need you to come to my room now,” she heartily announced and disappeared into the corridor, humming happily.

“What is she up to?” Roman thought to himself and turned his wheel in the direction in her bedroom, wondering why she wanted him there.

His heart panicked slightly as he approached the door but he took a deep breath before pushing the door open gently.

The sight his eyes beheld, cost him to gasp out loud.

Amanda and Colton laughed wickedly at the look of shock that appeared on his face.

“Oh… are you shocked?” Amanda teased him, pulling Colton in for a passionate kiss. “You should not be, I mean, how do you think we made the baby?”

Colton laughed hysterically at her words.

They were both wrapped in each other's arms, stark and making love.

The sound of Amanda's moans filled Roman's heart with rage and he shut his eyes tightly.

“What are you shutting them for?” Colton asked with a tone of mockery, “is it so painful for you to watch me be the man that you can never be?”

“Aha! I thought as much,” Amanda added with a cackling laughter.

“You should thank Colton for greasing my engines because I could have rusted if he did not show up.”

The insults were getting Roman saddened and he felt a rush of pain and betrayal within him.

He turned his wheel around and began to wheel himself out of their bedroom.

Amanda laughed so hysterically, hissing at him and hurling more insults at him.

For some reason, Roman was filled with contempt and anger.

He wheeled his chair out of the Campbell's residence without their knowledge. He didn't want to remain there anymore.

“I think I have had enough!” Roman whispered to himself.

He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number, through the hurt he was feeling.

“Hello, son?” an elderly male voice called out to him from the other end.

Roman exhaled and replied, “I am coming home Dad. I think my task is over.”

“We will be glad to have you back,” the elderly man responded and the line went dead.


A few days later, Amanda and Daphne were getting ready to go shopping for Jemma's birthday party.

I needed someone who would carry our bags while we did the shopping.

“You cannot be looking for someone when we have got Roman,” Amanda suggested and Daphne smiled.

“You have a valid point. Where the hell is he by the way? Cos I am not sure I have seen him in a few days.”

“He is definitely locked up in his room, whining like a baby over what he saw,” Amanda replied with a glint of sarcasm.

“Oh that. He can whine for all I care. You will never settle with him.”

“Definitely! I think it is time I moved for a divorce mother, what do you think?”

Daphne took a breath

“I guess I would say we would rather give him a little time. It may be too sudden especially after the situation at the party.”

Amanda frowned and nodded.

“Fine! I will get him!”

She walked Drudgely out of the living room towards Roman's room.

However, Amanda was shocked to discover that his room looked unused and abandoned and his things were gone.

At the same time, whilst she tried to grapple with the situation, Daphne heard a knock on the door.

A delivery man was at the door.

Daphne opened the door to let him in.

“This is the Campbell residence, right?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

Daphne nodded with a condescending look, “how may we be of help?”

“There is a package for Amanda Campbell from Mr. Roman Black.”

Daphne looked at him with a shocked expression.

“How does Roman send a package while he is a few stairs above? What sort of game is that?”

Daphne was still hesitant about receiving the package when Amanda ran down the stairs.

“He is gone, mother!” She yelled out in confusion.

“What? How? When did that happen?”

“I have no idea. I noticed that his things are no longer in his bedroom.”

The two ladies were filled with confusion.

“I guess you have to come and receive this then, the Delivery boy says it's from Roman. I was wondering how possible that was.”

“What game is the fool playing?” Amanda cursed as she walked up to the door.

A grimace appeared on the delivery man's face at her choice of words.

“Let me have that. Where the hell is he?”

“I cannot answer that ma'am,” he muttered as he handed her the paper to sign.

“Whatever. I guess he is somewhere grinding in penury and wishing he did not leave.”

“I guess you have to find that out,” the delivery man scoffed at her and before she could process his harsh response, he was gone.

“What the hell was that?” Daphne asked, shutting the door gently.

Amanda hurriedly tore the envelope and pulled out the documents in it.

She read through hastily and busted into a hysterical laughter, almost tumbling over as she did.

“What does it say?” Daphne asked with anxiety, choking her.

Amanda lifted the paper, “Roman wants a divorce!”

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