8• A Divorce!?

“Isn't that a joke?” Amanda's eyes were filled with excitement and yet she had contempt.

“Roman wants a divorce? How? What gave him the mind to ask for that?”

“I have no idea and I do not think I care, mom. What I want the most is to sign those papers and get on with my life.”

“Hmm, this does not seem like Roman.”

Daphne seemed concerned and worried.

“What do you mean, mother?”

“Amanda, you and I have known Roman for at least four years, do you think he would survive without this family?”

Amanda became thoughtful. She had to think about it.

“But mummy, I have wanted this divorce from the day I even agreed to this marriage. Maybe this is my opportunity.”

“I agree, Amanda. However, you need to speak with him and hear it from his own lips.”

Amanda grudgingly accepted and then, she pulled out her phone to send Roman a text.

I want to see you.


Roman was seated at the dining table, having dinner with his father and a few of his relatives when that message popped on his phone.

His face formed into a witty smile when he saw it. He could imagine the shock on her face when she saw the divorce papers.

“Your wife?” Jacob Black asked with a grumpy face.

“Not anymore Dad. It ends today. I sent her the divorce papers and she is asking to see me.”

Jacob Black nodded to his son.

“You made the right decision. Do you want to see her?”

Roman shook his class of wine before taking a long gulp.

“As a matter of fact, yes Dad. We do have some unfinished business.”

He raised his phone back and texted back.

Fine. Meet me at the Parle D'Angelo Restaurant in one hour.

As he read through his response and hit the send button, he knew that only one question would be on her mind.

“What changed?”

He was right. Amanda got the message and her lips were parted in shock.

“Who the hell does he think he is to be sounding all bourgeois?”

She felt something was off about him but she could not wrap her hands around what it was.

Nonetheless, Amanda got dressed and got into her car to get to the restaurant.

It was one of the most expensive restaurants in the city and she couldn't stop wondering what would make Roman think he could afford to bring her there.

“I cannot wait to laugh at his broken arse when he is unable to pay for the meal.”

Once she arrived at the restaurant, she sat down and crossed her feet, waiting for him to get there.

In a short while, Amanda became agitated by the fact that he had not shown up yet.

“Is Roman trying to play me?” She muttered to herself, looking back towards the entrance door.

Just then, she sees a man walking towards her and he looks like Roman but she is stunned by the fact that he is walking.

“Roman?” Amanda called his name once he was standing beside her.

“I guess you are shocked to see me on my feet,” Roman bragged with a wry smile. “You should be.”

Amanda swallowed the saliva that gathered in her throat as a result of the shocking sight of him and straightened herself, trying to maintain her composure.

“Oh… so you walk now? So, you were deceiving my family and I, reaping from us?’’

Roman let out a laughter of mockery and completely ignored her words.

“You and your family were so distracted by your steady efforts to put me down that you didn't even notice the improvements,” Roman replied with a smirk.

Amanda was taken aback but she quickly regained her composure.

“How did you afford a physiotherapist? You have been stealing from us?”

Roman laughed hysterically with sarcasm evident in his laughter.

“I did not come here for this, Amanda. Why do you want to see me?” He proceeded to ask, his face becoming stern.

Amanda was startled at how stern he sounded towards her. She wondered what was making him feel so confident.

“Well, you decided to end the marriage , right?”

“Isn't that what you always wanted?”

“Definitely!” Amanda scoffed at him, “why else would I be this happy? All I need to know is how you intend to survive after my family writes you off the will.”

Her eyes flashed with a sarcastic smile lingering on her lips as she thought she was getting to him with her words.

“I do not need your family for survival, Amanda. I can put myself through whatever procedures I need.”

His response left Amanda in utter surprise as wondered who he really was.

“Hmmm, I see that something seems to be playing you a drum that you are dancing to. I am certain you will come crawling back! You may be able to walk now but you are nothing but a broke, poor man who can walk. How will you feed or clothe?”

She tried taunting him but it was no longer working as it used to. He appeared confident and that confidence left Amanda bedazzled.

“Well, all I can say is endeavor to sign the papers as quickly as possible. I wish you and your lover a happy life.”

With that, Roman walked out on her without turning back.

Amanda was stunned. Frustratingly, she could sense that something was definitely but she could not tell what it was.

“How did he afford those expensive suits and shoes and even the fragrance he had on smelt different and expensive.”

She bugged her mind with several thoughts about him as she drove home. Her mind could not comprehend anything.

Once she got home, she pushed the door open with a force that showed she was angered and walked towards her room, her heart beating with a pang of disappointment.

“How did it go?” Daphne asked, running after her, “you don't seem happy.”

Amanda ranted, “He seemed so peaceful and too proud mother. I thought he would get on his knees and beg me to take him back.”

Daphne appeared like she was deep in her thoughts.

“Well, pride they say goes before a fall. It is not like you haven't got your own thing going. So, ignore him and move on.”

“Whatever!” Amanda replied grumpily and walked up to her bedroom.

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