9• The Truth Unveiled

The Campbells received the invitation from the JB corporation; as they were planning to announce the new CEO of the company.

Amanda was excited to be at the party and could not wait to show up there.

The JBs were known to be the wealthiest family in California and the Campbells always wanted to be a part of that wealth.

“Is Colton coming along too?” Daphne asked, as they stepped out in grand style to their expensive cars that were waiting for them outside.

“Of course mother. He is a big name now, why not?”

Daphne smiled proudly.

“I will be so glad when everyone sees you two together. This is your first public appearance together.”

Amanda smiled heartily as they got into the car.

Once they got to the party, they were overtaken by the expensive air that emanated from the hall. The guests were all rich and most elite members of the society.

“I wonder why we hardly invite these people to our events,” Amanda whispered.

“We are big names but we aren't in their League, Amanda. Maybe, after you and Colton tie the nuptial knot and we become a conjoined force, we would meet up.”

The sound of it filled Amanda's heart with warmth because she was almost offended by the fact that they were not in fact as wealthy as she had always thought.

She kept looking around for Colton but he was not at the event yet and his phones were not connecting.

“What is keeping Colton?” Daphne asked, looking around for him.

“I am not sure and his phones are not connecting.”

She was perplexed.

In the midst of their confusion, Daphne's troubled gaze fell on the entrance and she was stunned to see Roman walking into the hall with another woman in his arms.

“What the hell is Roman doing here?” She asked aloud and Amanda followed the direction of her gaze to where Roman was standing.

She was also stunned, wondering how he was able to afford to be at that party.

“There definitely has to be some mixup. How is he here?”

Daphne raised her shoulders in a shrug.

“I hope the fool is not stalking you,” she scoffed.

“Or he is going through this entire stress to make me feel like I missed something,” Amanda mocked and the two women laughed out loud.

Roman heard the sound of their laughter and his gaze traveled to where they both stood, gazing at him with dense contempt.

He simply shook his head and walked away towards the stage.

Just then, Jacob Black claimed the stage to give the guests a welcome speech.

“I am glad to have you all here, honoring my invitation. Today means a lot to me and my family because my son has finally returned and agreed to take over our company. You all know I am old and frail and not as strong as I used to be.” The frugal undertone in his voice caused the guests to laugh.

He had a sense of humor.

“Join me as I welcome to the stage, the new CEO of our multi-million dollar company, Roman Black!”

The cloud began to cheer and clap audibly for Roman as he detangled from his friend and walked up to the stage, his face bright and his confidence absolute.

Amanda and Daphne exchanged shock stricken glances at the sight of him.

“Roman?” Amanda was startled. Her lips were ajar and she could barely keep down her shock.

Daphne too was overtaken by shock.

“That son of a bitch was playing us all the while!” She groaned almost in a whisper, trying not to attract the attention of the guests to them.

Roman thanked the guests for honoring his invitation and then stretched out his hands to the lady whom he had been with earlier.

“Come on Nova,” she called out to her with a smile and she walked up to him gracefully.

Amanda and Daphne were choking on their hatred.

“Son of a bitch!” Amanda cursed under her breath.

“I would like to specially honor this woman, Nova Walker. She has stood by me in the past two years and she is the reason I am able to stand on my feet again after the horrific accident I had that almost cost me my mobility.”

Amanda could feel his heated gaze towards her and she was enraged. She turned to her mother.

“Let us get out of here, mother!” Amanda announced with anger and pulled her mother along.

Roman saw them walking away and he smiled wryly. He could tell that they were torn apart by the discovery.


“How could he?” Amanda ranted as they drove home. “For four years? Four years that fool deceived us and reaped from us while hiding his identity?”

Daphne was enraged too but she was thinking about other things.

“You need to move fast, Amanda. Have you signed those papers?”

“No! Something made me feel drawn back after I met with him at that restaurant and I am glad I did not sign it.”

“Yes. Do not! You must lay claims to his wealth first because you are still officially his wife.”

Amanda was anxious. She could not wait to barge back into his life and take back what she supposedly thought should be hers; His wealth.

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