Married To The Boss
“What are you doing in here, Where is Thor?” Garnet straightened up when she realized that it was an amused looking Laverne who had been sitting in the chair.

“The question should be why are you so late? Is this how bad your unprofessionalism is? Not only are you a two penny gold digger but you also don’t know how to behave in a cooperate setting or do you think that you get a pass just because you happen to be married to the boss?” Laverne mocked.

Garnet gritted her teeth and ignored Laverne’s pointed insult because she knew she was goading her. If she had known that this was what she was going to meet at the office then she would have come in on time in order to avoid this stuck up woman who would look for any chance to have a fight with her.

“Where is Thor?” Garnet asked again through thin lips.

Laverne stared at her for a minute and started to play with the pens on table.

“Did you think that he would wait for you like a love lost puppy? Well he had better things to do and he lef
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