Mask Off

Thor was in the kitchen peeling potatoes in preparation for the family’s supper when he heard commotion coming from the living room, just as he wondered what could be happening he heard a loud Pop Sound that startled him. He hurriedly dropped the peeler and half peeled potatoe before rushing out of the kitchen towards the noise in fear that something bad was happening and someone had been hurt.

He got to the living room and stopped in surprise as he saw that Garnet was back and everyone was assembled in the room and seemed to be in very high spirits. Bill was holding an opened bottle of champagne which he was pouring into the glasses that they all held, even Greg had made a rare appearance and stood holding a glass.

“Did something happen?” Thor asked in confusion looking from face to face for answers.

“I secured the Skye account and I have now been promoted to senior partner at the firm.” Garnet squealed gleefully and jumped up and down like a little kid, her excitement making her eyes glitter.

A wide smile broke out on Thor’s face, if anyone deserved the promotion it was Garnet. She worked hard and ceaselessly for it, of course she was going to get it. He unconsciously walked to her and reached out for a congratulatory hug but her smiled turned to an irritated frown and he was pushed away making him stumble into Bill who pushed him and he fell to the ground with an oof as the air rushed out of him.

“What were you trying to do?” Garnet scowled and looked down at his unhappy countenance.

“I.. I only wanted to congratulate you because I am so happy with your win.” He said hesitantly.

“I will never understand why you tolerate this smelly bum around you, you are a beautiful successful woman who does not need a faceless nobody to weigh you down. What you need right now is a man like me who can only help you go higher just like I helped you secure the Skye contract.” Bill declared pompously, looking puffed up and confident.

He had not really been able to talk to the CEO of Sky company and he had been worried that Garnet would loose the contract and look at him negatively but thankfully she had won it and now all her gratitude was for his supposed help and now he could swoop in and claim her for himself.

He was tired of wondering what it was that made Garnet marry Thor, sure he might be the better looking of the two of them but who really cared about things like that when there were more important things to be considered such as family pedigree and wealth and Bill had those two things in excess, he believed that he was a great catch and the best man for Garnet.

“I agree with Bill..” Beth said taking a sip of bubbly and staring deviously at Thor.

“It is important that you are strategic with your growth, when you are invited to luncheons and dinners will you take this riff raft who does not have anything to his name? Divorce him now before he tries to take half of your wealth, that is the only thing gold diggers like him know how to do well.” She sneered spitefully.

She felt that this was the best time to make sure that she was able to get rid of the death weight and have Bill as a son in-law, she had been trying to convince Garnet right from the beginning. A beautiful woman like her could have any wealthy man she wanted, so what if Thor was handsome? Poor men like him deserved to be just the side pieces and nothing more.

“Garnet and I will not get a divorce despite all of your meddling in our business we are man and wife.” Thor retorted angrily seeing what Beth and Bill were plotting.

He was sick of the insults, sick of being treated like garbage by his wife and her family. He knew that they wanted Bill to marry her because they believed that it would make their lives better.

It did not matter to Thor that their marriage had never been consummated, they were man and wife on paper only and even though she would sometimes take out her frustrations on him physically nevertheless he had taken a vow and he intended on keeping it.


He felt a blinding blow from the back of his head and was dazed for a moment but before he could react he felt legs kicking him and he curled up himself into a ball in order to protect his face and stomach from getting damaged by their kicks.

“Stop!” Garnet’s voice rang out and the assault on Thor halted.

He slowly raised his head surprised that Garnet was interceding on his behalf, she had never done that before. Was she truly warming up to him? Did she really change towards him.

“I think that is enough.” She said shocking everyone before taking a sip from her glass and walking to where Thor lay bent and leaned close to him and with her finger under his jaw tilted his head up so that she could see him better.

Her eyes enchanting brown eyes stared into his green ones for a long moment and she spoke softly.

“Everyone has their purpose, their uses. Yours was to aid me in stabilizing my image to the company, I needed a husband who would make me look more responsible but also a husband who would not be able to be in my way with his demands and needs. You were perfect for that but now that I have attained the status I want I no longer need you.”

“If you continue to beat him up then i would have to delay going to court to seek the divorce until after his wounds are sore.” She said loudly after she stood up and her family rushed to her and hugged her while cheering as Thor lay on the ground dazed out of his mind.

When the shock of the bombshell that Garnet dropped wore off he got up and started heading towards the door.

“Where are you going? The kitchen is not that way.” Stan mocked.

“Where are you going? Who is going to cook supper?” Beth demanded when he kept walking towards the door out of the house.

“Let him go Mrs Woods, we will eat at the most magnificent restaurant tonight to celebrate Garnet’s victory. My treat.” Bill said generously.

Garnet ran after Thor and stood at the doorway where she yelled at him.

“You better be at the courthouse by 1’O clock tomorrow to sign the papers, if you come late you will be fined heavily and I am sure that you don’t want that because if you don’t pay then you will be thrown into jail.” She said then went back in and slammed the door shut while Thor kept walking towards the gate.

He pulled out his outdated and rickety phone and dialed a number.

“Come and get me immediately, I am at their house.” He said and ended the call.

When he exited the house he walked down the road then a fleet of the most expensive and exotic cars came to a stop in front of him and from the passenger’s side of the last car which was a navy blue Bentley Flying Spur hastily came out a man in a black pinstriped suit who went around to hold open the back seat door and bowed slightly when Thor got In before closing the door and going back round to the passenger’s seat and getting in.

The cars took off and Thor reclined against the plush leather seat and closed his eyes when a voice interrupted his quiet thoughts.

“Your grandfather is going to be so happy to have you back young master. I am also happy that you are back.” He said happily.

“It is good to be back Edward but everything has only just began.” Thor said without opening his eyes.

He was thinking about the agonizing three years he had spent with his in-laws been antagonized and bullied all because he was the unfortunate man who could marry their daughter while being a nobody.

Thanks to the time he had spent there he had been able to discover a lot of things which would aid him in getting what he desired most in the world, Revenge. And the Woods would be the tools he would use to acquire it even though he had a long way to go first.

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