Signing Divorce Papers

Early the next morning Thor woke up in the house he had grown up in and went into the garden and stood at the open lattice gate staring at the old man who stood at the artificial pond throwing fish food at the koi fish that flocked around fighting for the food and speaking affectionately to them.

He smiled and took a couple of steps in and when he stepped on a dried leaf that had fallen to the ground it made a crunch sound alerting the old man to his presence and he slowly turned and squinted at the figure in the distance wondering who it was and when Thor came close the old man’s eyes widened and tears filled them as he held his arms out wide.

Thor walked into the old man’s arms and held him close, careful not to squeeze too tightly before pulling back and staring at the beloved wrinkled face which radiated with happiness. They hugged once before separating and walking to the table which was at the base of a Cherry tree.

Shortly after they had sat down a maid came with a tray with tea and snacks which she placed on the table and curtsied before leaving the men alone.

The old man stared at the young man, scrutinizing the features before him and sighed softly.

“You don’t look so good, have you been doing well?” He asked and Thor shrugged noncommittally.

His behavior made the old man wonder what he had gone through, it had been so long since he had seen him and everytime he did the boy reminded him so much of his parents. He had taken the best parts of them, his father’s strong intimidating build and strong jaw and his mother’s mesmerizing eyes and nose. The old man wished they could see their son grown.

He felt deep sorrow as he always did when ever he was reminded of his daughter and her husband’s untimely death. They had been cut down in the prime of their youth leaving their little boy all alone but fortunately the little boy had had him and he had raised him with all his love because they were all that they had in this world.

“How are you feeling grandpa.” Thor asked looking carefully at his grandfather.

The man looked older, much older and a little stooped and grey. It was hard to see him looking that way because it made him feel guilty as he knew without being told that he was part of the reason his grandfather had aged so rapidly but he could not help himself.

“Better now that you are here.” The old man said with a bright smile then he turned serious. “ are back aren’t you?”

“We should focus on the fact that I am here to see you, I cannot tell what the future holds for me yet.” Thor said evasively but his grandfather chose not to pursue the subject.

He knew that he would have to be content with the fact that at least Thor was here. What was most important to him was that his grandson was alive and safe.

They lapsed into silence and sipped their tea as they sat together just like they used to before Thor decided to move out of the house. Their quiet was interrupted by the sound of the gate swinging open.

Shortly after Edward came before them and bowed curtly to the old man then to Thor.

“Good morning Mr Quinn, good morning Mr Glen.”

“Good morning Edward, what brings you here this early in the morning?” The old man looked up at Edward’s face.

Edward glanced at Thor’s face then back at the old man without saying a word making him understand that he was here on Thor’s request.

“Have you done as I have asked you?” Thor asked and Edward nodded.

“Good thank you, prepare the car to take me out later.” He instructed and Edward nodded and left them alone.

After a moment of silence the old man spoke. “Do you have any important issues to deal with today?”

“I do Grandfather.” Thor answered simply, refusing to give up any more information but his grandfather was not going to give up that easy without hearing anything tangible.

“What important information is this?” He asked, refusing to be put off.

With a sigh Thor turned to him.

“I had hoped that after three years you would be through with this revenge business but it seems you have still not had enough, What good has it brought to you and I except pain and unhappiness? I want you to find love and have children so that you can live a fulfilled life.” His grandfather pleaded.

Thor stood up and looked down at his grandfather impassively even though his words were icy and determined.

“As long as my parents lay dead in the grave I will make sure that I hunt down the perpetrators of this evil act, I cannot have rest while the people responsible live happy lives.” He said and left his grandfather alone in the garden.


Bill came around and chivalrously opened the passenger’s side and watched Garnet’s stocking clad long legs that looked especially sexy today in her high stilettos and mini skirt suit that sculpted her body. He had waited so long for this day and he could not believe that every soon he would have his hands on the elusive Garnet Woods, he would make sure she quickly fell into his arms soon enough. His mouth water at the thought of it.

Garnet looked at Bill’s effusive movements in amusement. she knew that he wanted her, she had always known that he wanted her and that was why she never considered marrying him. She could never give away her freedom to a man like Bill who would turn her to her mother; a trophy wife and that was the worst thing that could happen to her.

She walked into the courthouse with a little bounce in her step, today was such a good day and it felt like she was staring into the doorway that led to the life she had dreamed about. She had come into the office this morning to see her colleagues holding balloons and champagne to celebrate her and she had been given the corner side office with the panoramic view of the city, she even had her name plaque and position on the door.

The only thing that could make today even better for her was signing for her freedom from her pathetic husband, that was why she had taken her lunch break to come to the courthouse. It felt like the beginning of all the beautiful things that she had ever dreamed about in life and she could taste it all on the tip of her tongue.

When she went to the clerks table and asked for the lawyer who would be handling her case she was directed to one of the rooms and as she walked to the room she hoped that Thor would make it soon. She did not even consider that he would dare miss coming, the fear of paying fines or jail time would surely wipe that thought away from his mind.

When she entered the office there was already a man sitting opposite the lawyer.

“Oh I’m sorry, I did not realize that there was someone already with you, the clerk told me to come right in.” Garnet said apologetically and made to leave the room.

“Oh no come on in.” The lawyer waved her over and she sat in the chair he gestured at and faced him.

“Since you are both here then can we continue with the proceedings?” The lawyer asked and Garnet turned to look at the door wondering when Thor had come in even though she did not hear the sound of the door opening.

“Surely you have not forgotten what your darling husband looks like.” A familiar voice said beside her and she turned and looked at the man beside her in shock.

He looked different and yet the same. It was the same intelligent green eyes that were twinkling at her in amusement but his hair had been cut in a stylish manner and he had on a charcoal pinstripe suit. He even smelled different and looked assured and confident, her jaw dropped as she stared at him.

“Here are the documents you need to sign.” The lawyer said, breaking into her confused thoughts.

She mechanically picked up a pen that was handed to her and signed what had been placed before her without even giving it more than a cursory glance before she returned it to the lawyer who handed it to Thor.

She returned to staring at him in wonder while a million thoughts ran through her mind all at once. She knew fashion and she could tell that the suit he was wearing was a bespoke suit which probably cost about 10,000$ at the very least and the wristwatch he was wearing was definitely a Chopard ‘Janus Watch’.

Where had he gotten the money for all of this, She thought bitterly. maybe he had gotten a modeling job, he certainly had the looks for it. He probably borrowed the clothes and wristwatch in order to show off thinking she would fall for that scam, She consoled herself.

Then she considered something else that made her frown, what if he had decided to become a gigolo? Maybe he had gotten a wealthy old lady who would give him all he wanted for his time and affection, maybe that way why he was not protesting the divorce like she thought he would.

She wondered why she felt so queasy at that thought after all he was no longer her husband and she did not care, she did not want him and anyone who wanted him could have him. She mused to herself trying to console herself.

“That is done now.” The lawyer said after examining the pages they had signed.

“Can I have my copy then?” Garnet asked.

“I just have to go over a few things first, I will have them sent to your home address by later today.” He explained and Garnet nodded and almost fled the room.

Somehow being with this different version of Thor made her very anxious and unsure of herself and she did not want to spend even a moment longer with.

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