Hearing what the prison warden had said seemed to infuriate her. She leaned forward and said, "Listen, just because I came here for your help doesn't give you the right to gaslight me. Tell me if you are going to help me or not. I don't have enough time to spare."

The prison warden gave her an expressionless stare for a second before responding, "Hmm, you have a really big ego." He smiled. "So, what help do you seek?" he asked, keeping his emotions in check.

"I came here in search of Lion-God," she said.

"Lion-God, the notorious serial killer?" he asked, and she nodded. "What do you want with him?"

"I believe he's part of the conspiracy against Mr. Bryan, and I want him to confess it himself. I want you to deliver him to me so we can make him talk. Name your price, and it will be done," she said.

For a moment, the warden stared at her speechlessly, as if she had gone crazy.

"Are you for real, Silvia? Are you sure you know what you are talking about?" he asked.

"Is that impossible for
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