With a speed of about 140, Lion-god drove in his red Avalon sports car, covering a distance of 250 kilometers, and halted in front of a local bar on a nearby island. Fresh breeze, white sands, tall trees, and a blue beach at the corner next to the bar completed the serene setting. Stepping out of his car, he sighed in satisfaction as he admired the natural surroundings and felt peace as the fresh wind blew his curly hair back. He then proceeded into the bar.

Entering the bar, he moved towards a group of men seated and chatting. Upon seeing him, they all stood up to greet him.

"Welcome, our man," they greeted gracefully, each stretching their hands to him for a handshake with comforting smiles. He accepted all the handshakes, and they all sat down together.

"How was your time in the cell?" one of the men asked.

"It was fun, to be honest. They aren't even treating me as an inmate. I'm just like a king there," he replied calmly.

"There's a hit job offer we got this weekend. Would you joi
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