Seeing the scene that had occurred, it crossed their minds to chase the running car, but before they could recover from the shock of what had happened in front of them, the car had already gone out of sight.

Quickly, Dickson and Carlo stepped out of the car with their guns and went into the room Lion-god was about to enter before he got shot. Minutes later, they returned to the car angrily, with frustration written on their faces.

"There was nothing in the house. No evidence, nothing! Just a bunch of books and kitchen stuff," Carlo vented angrily.

"This is a planned work. Someone knows we are after Lion-god and they killed him so we can't get any information from him," Dickson said in frustration.

"Now what's our next plan? This was the only way we thought we could exonerate Bryan's name. Who even did this?" Wuyan asked, surprise still written across her face.

"I don't know for sure, but I think we still have a ray of hope. His family. The prison warden had told me earlier that he doe
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