Moses Bank statement

$1.6 billion.

Desmond Dekker couldn't believe his eyes. Never in his life had he seen such an amount of money.

Larry Dekker noticed his father's shocked expression and glanced over at the phone.

The figure he saw caused him to catch his breath.

“Impossible,” Larry Dekker exclaimed. “I don't believe it.”

“You forget to check my bank statement,” Moses jeered. “It's been sent to your email.”

Desmond Dekker clicked on his emails and downloaded Moses bank statement.

It was all there.

Moses entire net worth and assets were displayed before Desmond Dekker's very eyes.

Naomi Dekker felt a shiver run down her spine as she laid eyes on Moses bank statement.

“This is the real deal. I'm a stockbroker, so I can tell this bank statement is authentic,” she declared, glancing up to meet Moses. “Moses, are you by any chance Rockechild's Empire's chairman?”

Moses regarded her closely. “What makes you say that?”

“You clearly own the highest shares in Rockechilds Empire,” Naomi Dekker replied, her
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