The Goldstein family

“Are you sure you want to meet my family?” Gwen asked as she drove through the gates of the Goldstein residence. “Wouldn't it be alright if I call your office?”

Moses shook his head. “I insist. I would like to meet your family before we proceed with the contract.”

Gwen pulled up before a fifteen-bedroom duplex with a spacious garden, and its own golf course.

Moses was pleased with the building. “Does all your family live together in that building?”

Gwen nodded. “My late grandfather insists we all reside together as a family under one roof.”

“Who's the family's patriarch now?” Moses asked as they walked together towards the door.

“My uncle,” Gwen replied. “He's a difficult person. Pay him no attention.”

As they arrived at the front door, it swung opened, revealing an angry man.

In the blink of an eye, the man reached out and slapped Gwen on the face.

“You slut!” The man yelled. “You're bringing a man to the house now? How further do you wish to disgrace me, Gwen?”

Moses stiffened i
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