Abraham tried multiple attacks on piercing through the thick skin, however, none of those ways worked as the giant's skin is just too thick like it was made from ballistic glass or something. But this is when Abraham came up with one great plan. Guns! But guns do not exist in this world as people rely on their own magic to become weapons and activate cannons. The giant then swung his club down as Abraham avoided it. He was about to try another slash when he realized that he could make his sword hurtle like a bullet at full speed. But to do that, he needs distance and time to conjure lightning and then throw it at the monster. So, to do that, Abraham ran away from the giant as far and fast as possible. He went south to lure in the giant. And due to its lacking intelligence, it followed Abraham while letting out a weird and creep laugh. Abraham climbed up this big boulder as he raised his sword up to the sky. He concentrated his mana as he then chanted the spell,

"Lumer Kid La." He yelled as lightning struck his sword and it was not long when his sword is now completely covered in lightning.

However, as he was about to throw the sword, he then saw the giant in front of him with this nerve-racking grin as it swung its club down. Since he is about to be hit, Abraham thew the sword at the giant without even aiming properly. The club hits the boulder, as Abraham landed on the ground hard on his back. Then, the lightning sword went straight for the right arm of the giant. Because of its speed and sharp tip with the enhancement of lightning, it pierced through the skin, and it quickly cuts the arm off like so. The giant fell on its knees as he then clutched his now severed arm. While he was wailing and was petrified slightly because of the electric shock, Abraham stood up immediately as this is a perfect opportunity. He followed the sword which was still going. He used the other big monsters as his footing while he jumps on them. The sword went into the direction of his father and his party. They saw Abraham rushing towards them, with a sword in front of him and is also zooming towards them. They were about to catch the sword, but they don't know what to do with it, and it is also surrounded by lightning, so it is not safe,

"Angelica!" Abraham shouted as Angelica knew exactly what he needed.

As Abraham got close to them, he jumped as high as he can while Angelica conjured some wind to boost Abraham up. Abraham caught the sword as he then turned around. The giant is now standing tall again, and it was looking for Abraham with its eyes turning into blood. Without further ado, Abraham took a deep breath and then threw the sword directly at the giant. The lightning sword zoomed across the battlefield. And as the giant turned around, it was already too late. The blade pierced through its chest and impaled the giant while the lightning sent electricity down the giant's body and it roasted the enormous beast. The giant fell on its face as it died. Abraham grinned. He was about to land on the floor again, but Angelica caught him with her wind magic. She slowly puts Abraham down as Filbert rushed to the aid of his son.

"You okay?" Filbert asked.

Abraham slowly sat up straight,

"Yep, my mana is a little bit drained, but I can still fight."

"No, you have done enough. I can feel that your mana has depleted significantly. Pablo! Take Abraham to the gates!" Filbert ordered.

Abraham tried to argue; however, his father was right. He can also feel that his mana has gone down to 5%, and if he drains it completely, then he would collapse. It is just not the good time for him to argue since the monsters are showing no signs of stopping. He was then assisted back at the gates to get himself healed. The mage healers thanked Abraham's effort as a lot of adventurers were saved because of him. As he is now being smothered with healing magic, something happened in the battlefield that made the whole guild run.

"Abe! To the house!" Filbert yelled as there is this small stampede.

And since he can't run fast enough anymore, Abraham was pushed around and then he heard someone yell these words that made Abraham felt like his innards are being ripped apart,

"Demons are attacking, run!"

Filbert and Abraham got separated as the citizen got involved in the mess as they were trying to evacuate if there are really demons attacking the two. Erix, then helped with the evacuation of the town. Josephine who was watching the chaotic town from above felt discomfort. As he was running, Abraham was shoved by a tank and that led him on the front stairs of the guild hall. Filbert turned around and was looking for his son. He saw him, but he can't go back as the people behind him are just pushing him vigorously.

Abraham stood up the porch as he then saw his father,

"Go! I will be on your back!" Abraham yelled.

Filbert felt assured since his son is literally in the guild hall which he can use to hide. So, Filbert nodded as he now trusts his son completely after what he did. As his father slowly disappeared, Abraham went in the hall to get somewhere safe. He locked all the doors, windows and any other passageways that might be the cause of his demise. The stampede was over, it was eerily quiet outside. But that might be the calm before the storm. So, with a sword he got from this hall that was left by an adventurer, he waited and put his guard up and was never going to put it down. As he waits, something happened that made him loose his focus,

"Save me master~" says a man's deep voice.

It made his head throb a little. But as soon as he lost his focus and puts his guard down. 5 demonic creatures bursts through the walls of the hall. The demons have infiltrated the hall. The demons are these humanoid creatures with a humanoid form and black skin. The skin was so black, that it was literally like charcoal. They are eyes are glowing red, and their horns were curved, and it was like sharpened razors. Their teeth are being shown on how sharp they are and deadly if it touches human flesh. And this is when Abraham knew that he fucked up. He has no fighting chanced against these demons at any circumstances. These demons are all but S-class ones, or maybe even higher. Regardless of the outcome, Abraham still raised his sword as the demons then pounced at him. Abraham still fought even though he has no chance on beating them. However, he has this confidence that he can.

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