Raven hit the wall in rage hearing Anwell saying negative things about Scantila," Do you think she will come back to you , ha ? Lots of wealthy good looking men in royal family! You know what she gonna do ? Kick you out ...hahahah! "
He wanted to beat Anwell till he suffocated , but all he could do only sitting at the edge of the bed , yesterday, present time and tomorrow seemed to mingle in his mind .." Thanks to you , Raven, all l can do to return your kindness as a great merit of yours is my appreciation to all the support and love you gave to me , all these years you helped me till l am today "Raven didn't want to take this gratitude exposure as an opportunity to thank him back for the boss ' s gesture towards him as gratefulness to have Scantila as one of the candidateto be sent abroad for working at a Royal family somewhere across the continent by the name of Galbahera .Raven didn't have any idea where Scantila got the private message on the page of a newspaper on of vacancy column .The boss who got the business of sending human resource as ordered by foreign rich countries had good order message for a post at the Continent, came as honor as the kind of order wasn't everyday order . It's rare and special .Royal family!It's easy to read from his face and expression that he could not accept the fact that Scantila would not give any appreciation of his pledge to stay and not going anywhere which just made them being apart .He even admitted all imperfections life they have in living in their own country where everyone feel hard to get a job and proper kind of life." It is the ability to have joy and fulfillment in the present moment, that make you happy,Scant ,not by clinging to a situation you're not belong to...it is only dream which is flawless. Reality is all the same everywhere ..the imperfections in everything.." " Learning from mistakes that l often find myself in vain ..in many efforts I have done to achieve a betterment allowed me, for personal reason to grow and develop my dream and be realistic by gaining outlook on life ...even God told us to go widespread to know each other cultures... don't you remember it? "Scantila always see him as a quite good person and she felt the pain on the possibility separation with whom she loves from the very moment they knew each other, and both of them were recognizing the fact that no situation ,place or person would ever be flawless." One thinker said ,"A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.For me it's not throughly right .l was drawn to you first when I saw you chuckled while watching " Franklin " the turtle tv cartoon .Then we had a talk about Benyamin Franklin the was astatesman, inventor, writer, printer, and philosopher. You said,I still and always will remember the words ,"He wrote , ''Half truth is not the truth "I used it for reaching out my auto principle in always saying the truth !lt was fascinating. You will learn a lot by this statement , that l did not fall for you on your look ... but the first opening talk ..."Like most young women ,Raven understood that Scantila was also had fantasy to have a rich man as her future lover and spouse one his day. He also wish to rise from poverty to the peak of wealth he could reach at the most limit of his power . Who teach you how to be wealthy or having title , reputation or any other achievement in only one blink of an eye?None ! If there was ,then she or he will be nomore than a fool or big dreamer ,uh !Not necessarily to become the richest man in the world , but to be at good level in society is more than enough for him .This outlook was not just about wealth but also about creation. He believes that good man will divide his thoughts on various matters cause life is precious." Do you know what make me change my mind not to tolerate you and let you g o , Scant ? "Reading his expression and old looks caused by exhaustion made her fancying another guy whom she saw just an hour ago as a passer _by , fashionable , good looking and that yummy style with both hands inside his pocket while walking along the sidewalk.And the rejection of her ideas especially about going overseas for work these days.Dear God ,Forgive me ! Raven has good looks with his timeless wisdom of honesty. Below him were just young men with such old unattractive tricks in creating a make up impression on female by showing their best at first stage only . After they succeeded to make a woman trust them ,then they will become all liars and promises breakers . Uh .Franklin the turtle in cartoon . ..was a lifetime memory for her whereas most men are crazy about female physical beauty and wish to have a collection of pretty girls ,Raven interested in her quote about the half truth isn't the truth ... . One of the profound thing he said at the beginning of their relationship was, " For me,school is not the only source or place to be knowledgeable and does not guarantee success in life. One must learn to combine it with school of life named grievance and desires "Yes , Raven was a decent fellow. Brilliant, fighter, and well behaved.His road to wellness and wealth maybe in the long term but during the painstaking struggle,he knew how to have pleasure, by sharing time to enjoy themselves with anything that should not be always spending money.She cannot bear walking along on the long and narrow pathway among the rice fields in the villages alone unless Raven showed her how to have such joyous experience. She realized that greeting and meeting with those peasants with their farms and shepherds with their herds are such meaningful moments. He introduced her to a hard but cheerful turn of a life journey.It was such an impressive picnic as instead of paying tickets or food at amusement center, they followed the lines of the nature itself. He had vivid life, full of various alternatives to overcome many life troubles, not to avoid it ,but he showed how he went through the life hardship gracefully that is rare in many ways ...but pleasant and make her grow even at the hardest part of day .Anyway ,she didn't want him to see her as a person who escaped from her trouble in facing the stagnant kind of society they have been living in . The fighting spirit her was something every human should convey.She didn't fight for her freedom but for a better life and an adventure and it didn't mean she repudiated him for ever." We will contact each other by letters and postcards.. let's our spirit fly somewhere out there...Words described their thoughts regardless anything open orhidden in their innermost hearts.A small quarrel happened like waking up a sleeping lion. It indeed threatened the relationship between her and him when the house they used to dream as their dream house to live together if the time comes to live as couples won't serve them any longer .If he set her free, the dream house would someday return to their minds as the favourable place to be together till the end of time .Raven merely sneezed and sneered of hearing her say so.The house matter would be only banal talk of trying to help him went through the fact that she will go after all..but nevertheless letting her go wasn't an option. For him,it's a final hit of a judge 's hammer in a law court.After all ,he won't put himself as a hunter whereas Scantila stressed herself as an explorer in a strange jungle. The house was fading away through the decaying hopes when he had to set her free.Raven sent her a short note , "Enigma was the word I used often since longtime ago as it's synonym for puzzle .I always apply it to life matters "How is your feeling about the future now ?" It is a challenge to see any sort of possibilities named optimism. ..and to feel the safety to move ahead called trust. Join me at the airport... explore the place where we shall apart and how can we bring these two elements together in hoping to meet again .."Raven put hands on his ears to close his hearing..And yelled as loud as he could..Related Chapters
The Prince and The Shepherd The Librarian
The librarian is not so young, she has a mixed European face with a short haircut " This is for you to find books later ,I will make a card" she said , Anwell saw that she was beautiful and smiles sweetly. Her lips and eyes were well shaped when she met him again in the book room. He couldn't immediately look for books because he wasn't even 21 yet that time.Now he can as he already reached 21 of age ."l am very happy to spend time in the library all day long and after that l borrow some books that time." That's what he often told his friends.He did not read all the books ,he just needed them to show off... ' Actually he liked the librarian ..." That's what his friends said ,and he just smirked.Time went by till they knew one another better till something bad happened to her ...losing job ..he blamed himself for his inability to help her but surely ,as usual , he didn't have to own money himself........he could always ask for it to grandpa , grandma ,if not his dad ! sure ..
The Prince and The Shepherd Soul Frequency
Lately negative memories come unstoppably right at the time Raven wakes up.One come after another like a rusty big chains ! If not bad past on childhood ,then at teenage or at the beginning of school or college years! A motivator or a meditation teacher told everyone , " Don't start your day with negativity.At the time you wake up , just thank God , Thank You for the you still give today " then smile . Begin your day then " Okay ,Even though he's s not feeling well, he will fight for his dream! " First ,wash your face ..then you may stay for a while on the bed and let your eyes adapt the dawn in your room and the yard and ...this one is easy but to erase the thought of seeing faces that attracted to them ..this is always ..not easy , if never say hard " Does she still his someone's soulmate... ? Vibrating at the same frequency....memorizing , fancying, playing the scenes hundred times ...tiring but enjoyable ..but ..then it's wasting too much time ! He dragged his legs out
The Prince and The Shepherd Can l Kidnap You?
It's such a tricky one for the young mother to make her little daughter walk faster " Come on ! How papa Lee walks ! Papa Lee walks ! " Anwell saw that young woman took the little girl 's hand to move fast . He ran to the road and walked beside her ,smiling and started to flirt . With a broad warm smile , without a word he took the little girl's free hand then he lifted and carried her ,making her cried and yelled for her mom.But he took some candies from a stall at the roadside , " l pay later, ok ? " Sure the answer is yes, then what would it be happening if the stall man said no? In order to create peace world and safe situations none around the vicinity showed rejection to that handsome young master .Anyone who had guts to do it will make their days real bad regardless of how offensive he was. He attracted the kid by amazed her of playing some games " Hey , pretty ,how you can you write your own name ? Look , let me teach you ..here we go... " Anwell kissed her
The Prince and The Shepherd Convulsion
Lynx moved backwards as if wanting to escape in seeing Anwell standing there. Did he heard anything they talked about ? Raven swallowed his saliva,feeling the dryness in his throat.He looked at Anwell as if he was someone dead who came alive again from his grave .Raven lighted a cigarette calmly , took a diary belong to Lynx .Lynx looked at his notebook...how could he find his private belonging ? If Anwell read it , he will be embarrassed.."'Hey ...are you a girl , Lynx? Writing..diary .....hahaha....it's a work of female..Sissy !! " Then he opened a page , starting to read out loud mockingly... * Abroad does not always mean the good season in Hollywood. It's true, winter makes people's faces freeze. It's true too , hundreds of high buildings and busy people passing by in big coats, don't want to smile except saying hello to those you know or just pass it by.Love , money , time are all attachments so it is very fierce full to talk about money and business . Travel to developed
The Prince and The Shepherd The Suit
The new clothes shop displayed some stylish models .It's such a yummy model for youngsters in town.Look at that glass cabinet, a checked suit , sweet formal model for work .The price is .. should save first for anyone with low wages whose income only enough for a week.Lynx and Raven really attracted to the suit , " Look ...the price is still reasonable..l hope l could save money..at least next month ..."Raven smiled, " If the suit still there and none buy it " ." Yes ..one of us hopefully can get it ..if you have the money..you get it " They walked around the department stores to forget unpleasant things yesterday when Anwell caught them up talking..Some retailers posted strategic spots in town and cities . Surely traditional small stalls only have little number of buyers as they are get asided by those nice shops .People prefer to shop at nicer places even the stuff are the same .Raven held back to buy ice cream for himself as he want to buy it for Willow . "People can be
The Prince and The Shepherd The Brat !
Did Miss asleep just now ? " The maid brought a cold drink at the very hot day .Shebila glanced at her coldly as her head heated, " Yeah , when the rainfall ..creepy weird rain " she murmured." Suddenly falling , stopped at sudden too then now extremely hot " Bertie lifted her head as if didn't catch her words , and flatly told her , " Mr Anwell called again , Miss" Her heart paused for a nanosecond," When ?? What else he wants! " " When you're sleeping, miss, he said whether the cooperation letter contract have been able to start " Her head was hotter . " Bastard ! He wants everything just done.Help me .. l'am in trouble "" If he calls again , do l have to tell him that you are not in "? She looked at her sharply ," Do you often asked and get used to tell a lie, Bertie ?"She drooped her head and it's a clue to show her guilty feeling .She often lied indeed.All the ones who had ever employed her could not stand her bad quality which was dishonesty . But on the other hand
The Prince and The Shepherd H...owww...Miss ?
"Fix the Manzini banner , Bertie,make my bed then feed my puppy,then take a rest " She left her laying on the floor with the music which would be on till hours echoing in the room before dusk .The phone rang while Shebila changed ." Who is it , Bet? " She was still talking while she was putting on some more lipstick which was too thin and looked a bit bitchy ." Young master,miss " " Ah , Tommy the tall guy ? " She jumped in joy , maybe long time not seeing him . Bertie looked pleased seeing her Miss happy .But she wondered why her reaction was so contrast compared to if it's Anwell who 's calling ...Things were neat when she served Tommy by some drinks and pies . " He was looking around the entire room , " Where are the others ? "What do you mean the others " ?" I got a message from Anwell , he said you invite us for a party "Grumbling , " Anwell again !! How can l free from Anwell things ! "Tommy confused , " Let's help each other, what is going on ? You look uneasy w
The Prince and The Shepherd Ummmm.....
Tommy shook his head , reading Shebila 's mail , " Slept early.The young doctor gave me some explanation and answered every question in quite long hours.He also asked me some ordinary questions . I thanked him a lot when the examination was over .He let other patients to wait till we finished.Attentively , " No other complain?"I thought , if he was not a doctor he would be a shy person.Doctor's respectable profession so he carried on .When l back home l feel that ...how lonely l am .High tension and stress.perhaps They say that's source of any ailments.The film wasn't bad .A story of a young woman who chose a lonely life and having a good career.She dismayed with her marriage life so running away from the fact that she needed a companion to care of.. however she could not get away from her bad dream about men ..and her fail marriage life .In the mirror she wept quietly then sitting in the darkness ," Don't light up the lamp " she said sharply then she let the darkness coming
Latest Chapter
Irona Tribe
One little girl cried endlessly in the arms of a father who had just taken some buckets of water from the well where people around allowed to get it belong to Mr Bachara the landlord in town , Anwell 's father ." Don't cry ...shut up...hey ...don't cry " said that father , embracing his little kid ." He said my hair is like bird's nest... bird's nest ..." " Her hair is like the lrona .." Irona was a remote tribe with dark and so very curly hair.Why Anwell always found words to insult anyone he wanted ... everyone only could shake their heads ... what's wrong with the look of any tribes on earth ? Beauty is on the beholders..Mr Buchara approached Anwell , " Look at the little girl..she cried cause you said what ?"Smirking happily , " Like lrona hair " " Don't do it ,Anwell ...all hair on earth created by God ..why you insult lrona ? " Anwell just whistled ." It's hurting for the little girl, you know .." Willow wished she could shriek loudly ,but ..even to his own dad ' s
At the field school open session on literature subject,Mr Zales started his speech, " This morning, we consider the work of Raven as a young man who may think that being a poet or philosopher is as good as working for social reformer or doctor ,engineer . which is great! As reshaping youngsters interest in literature and general knowledge as well as art with Contextual Modernism in millennium era. He introduced an lndian worldly well known author named Rabindranath Tagore as the "profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful" poet. Tagore's poetic songs were viewed as spiritual and mercurial; his elegant prose and magical poetry were popular in the Indian subcontinent.Raven got up to read a few poems of his works called "The Gardener " He recited it in a vibes of melancholy and grievance with little light of hope,just like what he felt inside himself.* Love, my heart longs day and night for the meeting with you—for the meeting that is like all-devouring death. Sweep me
Half Way
Scantila killed time in her free time at night and took the book the great famous book , "Great Expectations" one of her favorite author Charles Dickens . Taking a cup of coffee, she opened the middle part .What a touchy language and writing work ! The story is about the life and adventures of a young orphan named Pip, who dreams of becoming a gentleman and winning the heart of a wealthy young lady named Estella. Along the way, Pip encounters many colorful characters, including the eccentric Miss Havisham and the mysterious convict Abel Magwitch. The novel is known for its vivid characters, intricate plot, and themes of social class, ambition, and redemption. Exploring the similarities between her own life story and the novel could be one of a way to learn about life itself . What a wonderful storyline ! Now ,what was good thing about her own ? Fighting for a better life like Pip ,till she looked for a fortune in a foreign country . Chasing a better life though trying to step
The Foul Play
Someone passed ,praising Anwell who was still at Mr Zales porch,smoking . " Nice attire , sir " He looked at the peasant and by his eyes respond,' Sure ,do you find anything bad about me " State of fear...that's what Voltaire said at the absolute power of kingdoms and empire.Walking like god ,made everyone get aside for his way . Raven spoke while Mr Zales told him that Anwell had just left ."Now we feel the same...Fear in us each time seeing him around as he will say all bad thing about everyone,l don't know how can he find bad thing in everyone face and body ...and everything " Mr Zales smiled , thinking , " So is there anything we can do in world if everything ugly in his eyes is fun for Anwell , just like the world wealth resources is eaten all by the globalists with a perfect master mind , and well planned ?State of fear , ..that's how Voltaire named the absolute power of kings and empress at the dark age .Now isn't it feel like the same ? Only changing name but el
The Whistle Blown
Hooray ! The school children were standing in line for the sport subject . At the time the whistle blown they moved to run around the field .Running competition. Boys were on the left side and girls at the other one." Pair by pair ! " Mr Zales yelled to command them move two by two .Everyone had got their pair. " I wanted to pair with Lynx ! "Then other kids said the same .Lynx! Lynx! Come ! You pair with me ! Lynx was so glad that day ..they wanted him ! It's not everyday experience...His eyes showed a shine when he shyly smiled at them . They really usurping him ! They even approached him,taking his hand to pair ..He was left behind ,mo matter how hard he tried to run fast ...His friend yelled and jumped happily , " Hooray ! I am winning! " Lynx realized that they want him cause they were sure that by pairing him , he would lose ! As he was shy and clumsy how could he be good at any sport ! So that everyone can win if they compete with him ! He swallowed in his dry throat
The Bell Rang
He was stunned seeing Karin who did her math task perfectly.lt's rarely happen for them who were able to absorb his explanation quickly . He smiled ,math teachers were hated almost everywhere.Except for s few pride and smart student like Karin ." Explain here , Karin , how can you get this figure and comma there " She looked up thinking, " He tests me if l really understand or just cheating '' She explained that smoothly .Then a relieving smile was on her mouth when Mr Zales nodded satisfyingly .Willow was sitting in the corner, watching at the blackboard. She played a pencil and an eraser with a funny kid in cap picture on it . Her loving father bought it at the other day , she danced happily in getting a new smell nice eraser ...it's rare ... usually he bought her second handed things . Poor dad ...Her mouth was tightly silent when the maths hour had almost ended but her name still had not been called by Mr Zales.Moreover when the bell rang ,time to break ..she bewildered at
Plebeians Entertainment !!
Mr Buchara, did you sell another acre of soil in your hometown ? " That's the question Raven would hear from the neighborhood,wanting to close his ears and scolded, but all he won't.It happened since he was a kid ." Sorry for saying this .. but this is only kind of suggestions. .."For the next words, not so much in the memory, which is merely for insight into the family unlucky story. People around reminded his father that losing his land little by little won't be good at all for the future .His dad owed money to Anwell 's father , could not pay , then exchanged the amount of loan by giving the inheritance land .Anwell's dad will have more and more property while ... contradictory to Raven ' s dad .Question comes at the end, if you make it that far) Sometimes ,he remembered Anwell talked to him with a smirk , mentioned a bad probability of his future, " Hey ..think about if your dad die one day ...you will be an orphan boy ..with sunken eyes who hid behind the door when his
The Damage Wall
True..Maybe ones saying love too hurry.But for the children drawing time , it's ok to say things in simplicity.It may only like mixture of feelings and desire.None can define what love is except when you feel it though. Willow was having a conversation with her imaginary drawing teacher.The sun always depicted as laughing and big in children ' s drawing book . Yes,it's a big ball of fire that light up the earth lt had been worshiped as god Does human see objects objectively ? Almost not ,cause the limitations of our minds ." What is that ?" A kid broke the topic of talk ." It's hypo in the river, and that's the tree that around it " " Wow good! And what is this? " " Love ? Ya it's heart " She made it simple " It is here inside ? "" Give me the pencil ..can l color it by blue ?" " And any color .. that's fine ,color it by orange or red .. anything "" Take it home ,can l ? " Sincerely she nodded ..In the name of Goodwill.So as long as we don't make complicated ,it just
" Hi...."
" Good day fellows ..He looked like a devil . Laughing at knowing someone else is getting hurt .." They gathered around the old oak table with z shaped . Ones could put things in the two level of it .Without losing his sight on the chess board , Raven remarked, " You must be talking about lord Anwell " Willow nodded , hearing her brother saying ' lord Anwell in a low voice." Anyone who mind his words will be in big depression or of the like. How do you overcome your own feeling when you are having a bad episode of your days ? My recommend, you wanna hear ? Don't take it seriously.." Raven knew that he himself could not do it . It's not easy to be unwounded when someone always see you in negative sides and so judgemental like Anwell.Willow stared at the chess board without saying anything. She smiled a bit , " How can you play chess by yourself? Whom you wanted to be lose ...the black or the yellow ?"" I think to win both "" But there must be the side which will be defeated ,