The Prophecy: Battle for the ark of time
The Prophecy: Battle for the ark of time
Author: DLustery
[1] Prologue [Edited]

*Huff*(Breaths heavily)

“Whoa, I think I


 finally made it”

Slouched headfirst and clutching both knees in exhaustion, his heart smashed continuously against his already weary ribcage, begging him to take rest.

As an enchanting smirk appeared on Leo’s face, a sudden sense of serenity and accomplishment filled him.

From his vantage point a small municipality was in view, it was a rather small sized town walled by the forest, but even with such miniature range of land, the streets were bustling like nothing he had ever seen before.

Well as a matter of fact, this was the first time he actually saw so many people crammed in one place.


This was the first time he in fact SAW someone of the same gender.

Yes…. quite abnormal.

But yea, this fellow was far from normal.

Referring to his contemporary location as a municipality wasn’t entirely incorrect, in fact, many do view it as so.

But it wasn’t, it was more of a gathering place for both merchants and dealers, a spot were customers and venders encounter and engage in the ancient art of haggling.

But though it’s buoyant atmosphere, no one actually lived there, and the reason was....

“Umm… Sir, is this perhaps, Elman”

Draped in a pitch-swart getup and radiating an air of nobility, was a young man no less than nineteen of age. He possessed a waist long aquamarine hair fastened with a black fabric, and an abysmal blue sapphire eyes accentuating his slightly chiseled face and clear pallid complexion.

Though his rather attractive face gave off a placid, tranquil impression, his body build said otherwise.

He was 5.8 feet tall with broad shoulders, and his well horned physique notched to the core, did nothing but enrich the dominating aura he gave off.

But in a single glimpse, one wouldn’t really be able spot this striking features of his, as the sheer black outfit and scarf he wore, left him with nothing but a pretty face.

Scrutinizing his appearance scrupulously, the pot-bellied man bequeathed a beaming smile which could put the best swindlers to shame, before retorting.

“I’m sorry but no, this isn’t Elman”

“Is that so? Haa…. I really thought I found it”

With a glum smile, he rubbed the back of his head depicting a disappointed expression, before thanking the merchant, then making a U-turn to find his next terminus.

Yup…. This fella was completely lost.

The sole glimmer of hope he had was a bizarrely worn-out map he always carried about, but now, even that flicker of hope had gone missing.

Like it LITERALY got pinched while he was at sleep.

 “Hold on young man” The fatty called out.

“Yes” tilting his stare to the merchant, Leo responded in a dejected tone.

“I might be able to help you”

“What! Really?” He probed, wide eyed.

“I believe so, you see I actually have a map for sale” The man said, unlocking a timber cabinet by the corner. “I think it’s here somewhere” He muttered, as his unhinged tummy kept bashing stuffs all over the timber stand.


“Aha! Here it is” He exclaimed in affirmation, pulling out a map which looked somewhat familiar to Leo.

“Hold on, can I get a closer look at that?” The young man requested with a suspicious glint in his narrowed eyes.

“Am sorry, but I can’t do that”


“Company policy, a customer can’t touch or inspect the goods before paying” The man shook his head as though he had no say in the matter.


“Fine, how much does it cost?”

On hearing this, a grotesque smile etched on the obese man’s face as his lips parted.

“Just a mere gold coin”he said.

Leo then held his chin and went deep into thought.


‘The heck! I don’t even know what that means! ‘

.....Alas, the lad was a broke dog.

He was just a kid who lived in a forest all his life, so in what god forsaken way, was he supposed to know about MONEY!?

He just recently embarked on a journey to the capital, not knowing a freaking thing.

And this wasn’t even the worse of his problems, he didn’t even know the most imperative detail all.


That the forest he actually lived all his life was situated OUTSIDE the Empire, OUTSIDE THE DAMN EMPIRE!

Well he was ignorant of all this, and as the say, ignorance is a bliss.

Cause he has no idea what awaits him at the border.


“Truth be told; I have no money”

Alas, a truthful lad at least.

“I was mugged of all my fortune on the way here”

…. Guess we judged a tad too fast.

A groan of displeasure escaped the fat man’s mouth, before he tucked the map into his belt “Then am sorry, but we don’t do business that way”

“Ah… Isn’t there some other way we could come to an agreement” Leo asked, his tone spiked with a hint of desperation.

“Hmm” With a slight massage on his scarcely visible beard, he snapped his thumb and ring finger “There is something” he added.

“And that is?”

“Hold on” Opening the timber cabinet once more, the fat nuisance pulled out a dirty looking parchment.

“This is what I want you to get me” He said with a grotesque grin etched on his face, pointing towards a red ‘x’ mark on the brownish parchment.

“What’s this?” The young man asked, genuinely curious.

“It’s the location of the long lost fortune, Oden’s treasure” the fat dude explained, rubbing his palms together with a sick grin plastered on his cubby face.

“Oden?” Leo muttered, whilst a brow raised slightly.

“…. Wait, don’t tell me you don’t know of Oden” The merchant frowned.

“I Do-I do, but could you at least enlighten me more on that topic, cause I think am mixing things up here”

…. Alas, he was a full blown liar.

Not knowing the heck the Fat dude was schmoozing about, he instantly employed the ways of the ancient, the oldest tricks in the books of manipulation.

'Acting smart’

But regrettably, the fat bastard saw through it all.

So his luck ran out, before he even got underway.


The man sighed in resignation, but for a split second, a nasty snare appeared on his fat face, but just as quick as it came, it vanished.

[PS : Please there may be discrepancies in some chapter,  but don't worry, it would be fixed in a few days, the reason is,  I wasn't really serious writing this novel,  but to my surprise, I got a contract, that's why am reviewing the whole thing, so if you see EDITED by the side of the title, it means that chapter has been edited, and it would only happen in the next thirty chapters, so Dont worry.

Finally, thanks for reading this aurthors Babbling, and please, if you like the story, comment]

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