Chapter eighty two

Dinner in the Fernandez mansion was very cold, the pressure in the air was so thick, like it couldn’t be cut through by a knife. Jonathan was present was so nervous, he found it hard to breath. The patriarch, Harrison had a gloomy expression on his face, Rhys parents were calm while Christopher and Atlas felt as if they were sitting on tether hooks. The only indifferent person, who was unfazed by everything happening was Rhys.

While he was eating, he held a phone on one hand, scrolling through it, oblivious to the pleading looks that Jonathan threw in his direction. Jonathan began to regret why he had chosen to show up in the house.

The dinner on the table was quickly cleared but no one left. “Father-“ After a long time passed with no one saying anything, Christopher started but he was soon interrupted.

“Be quiet!” Harrison hollered angrily. “Atlas!”

Atlas jumped to his feet immediately, looking downwards, scared to look at the patriarch on the face. “Yes grandfather- No Patriarch.”
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