Chapter one hundred and six

“The package is very important and it is a necessity that I inquire the password.” Dr. Lee smiled and nodded his head. “Very well, then. The package is in the safe. Combination is 3456.”

Rhys nodded, pretending to memorize the combination. “Got it, Doctor.”

Dr. Lee handed him a small key. “The safe is in the corner. Get the package and bring it back to Dr. Mikhail.”

Rhys took the key and handed it to Jonathan made his way to the safe. He opened it, revealing a small box inside. He took the box back to Rhys without a word and they both turned to leave, but Dr. Lee called out, “Rhys, wait!”

Rhys turned back, pretending to be curious. “Yes, Doctor?”

“Are you sure you want to stay with Mikhail, I can offer you so much more.”

“I don’t understand what you are talking about, please have a good day.”

Dr. Lee’s eyes were filed with surprise but he doesn’t push the issue. “Be careful, Rhys. The package is… sensitive. Don’t open it until you’re back with Dr. Mikhail.”

Rhys nodded, pretending to
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