Chapter one hundred and four

Rhys nodded, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. “Let’s get to work, Jonathan. We have a lot of ground to cover.” Before he took another step, Rhys felt his phone vibrate, he pulled it out of his pocket and saw his mother’s name on the screen. He couldn’t help but smile as he answered the call.

“Hey, Mom,” he said, trying to sound casual and not like he had just met with a psychotic scientist who had experimented on him.

“Hey, sweetie! How’s my busy boy doing today?” Rhys mother, Lydia asked, her voice playful and teasing.

Rhys lets out a chuckle. “I’m doing okay, Mom. Just got out of a meeting with Jonathan.”

“Oh, yeah? What’s going on with that?” she asked, her voice curious.

Rhys hesitated a bit , not wanting to worry her. “Just some stuff, Mom. Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay, dear. I trust you. But be careful, okay? I don’t want anything to happen to my son.”

Rhys felt a pang of guilt in his heart. He knew he had been neglecting his family lately, caught up in his mis
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