25- The Call

"Alright!" Lina exclaimed, she leaned toward Dana's face "so the question is obviously this, what are your real intentions?"

She frowned as if she didn't understand what she was talking about. "Don't play dumb with us, maybe you still don't realize in which situation you are trapped," Natasha said with an annoyed tone, she was obviously tired of her turning around the bush, "look, with a single pressure of my fingers I could break your neck, so if you continue acting like you don't understand what she is saying I will rephrase it one last time for you so you better be sure to give us an answer".

"You said wanting to meet Jamal, we won't ask you to give us the reason for you to see him, what we want to know, instead, is what are you looking for to do after seeing him?" she asked, the face severe.

Dana's cheeks turned red and her tears restarted overflowing and running on them, she wasn't able to control her emotions anymore at the thought of how cornered she was. She managed to articul
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