Attack strategy

One month later, Rizal finally returned from the magic training cave located in a secluded spot by the sea in the coastal city of Xyrel. Rizal wears a black robe with a hood covering his head, giving off a mysterious and powerful impression to him.

Maya was already waiting outside the training cave, riding her performance-enhanced motorcycle. He felt proud and happy to be a part of Rizal's journey.

After saying goodbye to Abdiel, Rizal and Maya left for the Black Wolf base quickly. They traversed winding streets and passed through dense forests, until they finally arrived at the Black Wolf headquarters Square.

A formidable fortress surrounded the Black Wolves' base, providing strong protection for their group. Mrs. Anisa and all members of the Black Wolf welcomed them with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

"Mother Anisa, we are back!" said Rizal while opening his hood.

"Yes, Rizal! We miss you!" replied Mrs. Anisa with a big smile.

Maya looked around, seeing the warmth and togetherness among the members of the Dark Wolves. He felt like he was in a big loving family.

"Look who's back!" exclaimed one of the Dark Wolf members happily.

"They're back!" shouted another member, joining the crowd.

Rizal felt at home. He felt happy to be back to the place where he felt most powerful and valuable.

"Are you ready for the next challenge?" asked Mrs. Anisa seriously.

"Ready!" Rizal replied enthusiastically.

"We will face whatever comes!" said Maya confidently.

The members of the Dark Wolves joined in the excitement, clenching their fists together.

"We will protect the Dark Wolf base with everything we have!" Mrs. Anisa said firmly.

All of the Dark Wolf members cheered, celebrating their invincible fighting spirit. Maya feels like part of a great and powerful group, ready to face their enemies with aplomb.

Anisa's mother realized the importance of Rizal's ability to lead the Black Wolves against Azazel. Therefore, he asked Maya to invite Rizal to join in training and apply the war tactics that had been taught by Abdiel to the members of the Dark Wolves who were training in the backyard of the headquarters fort.

"Maya, please invite Rizal to join in training the members of the Black Wolves in the backyard of the headquarters. We need to apply the war tactics Abdiel has taught us so that we are ready to face Azazel," said Mrs. Anisa firmly.

Maya nodded in understanding, "Okay, ma'am. I'll take Rizal there immediately."

Anisa's mother smiled, "Thank you, Maya. I know you can handle this situation."

Maya immediately walked towards Rizal who was burning the spirits of the Black Wolf members in the square.

"Rizal, Anisa's mother asked you to take part in the training and apply the war tactics that Abdiel taught to the members of the Black Wolves in the backyard of the headquarters," said Maya hastily.

Rizal nodded "Okay, let's go."

The two of them walked towards the backyard of the Black Wolf base fortress. Meanwhile, Ibu Anisa directed the members of the Black Wolves in the square to return to their respective activities and productivity.

In the backyard of the fort, Rizal saw dozens of Black Wolf members who were training, forming lines and practicing the war techniques that had been taught by the senior members.

Rizal immediately joined the members of the Black Wolves who were training. He was given the opportunity by the leadership of the senior members to lead training, apply the war tactics Abdiel had taught him, and provide motivation to the members of the Dark Wolves.

"Now, we must learn to work together and support each other. We must be ready to face Azazel with strong determination and an unbeatable fighting spirit," said Rizal firmly.

The members of the Dark Wolves nodded enthusiastically, indicating that they were up for the challenge and defeated Azazel.

Maya smiled seeing the fighting spirit radiating on the faces of the Black Wolf members. He knew that with proper preparations and invincible fighting spirit, the Dark Wolves could definitely defeat Azazel and restore their freedom.

"We will win together. We will face Azazel with strong determination and an invincible fighting spirit," said Maya excitedly.

The members of the Dark Wolves cheered excitedly, showing that they were up for the challenge and defeated Azazel.

Then the members of the Dark Wolves lined up in a large training field, with the newly learned futuristic firearms. They paid close attention to the senior member explaining the technique of using the weapon. You can see the focus and enthusiasm on their faces, reflecting a desire to learn and become more proficient in operating these futuristic weapons.

The senior member then demonstrated how to hold a gun and shoot properly. The members of the Black Wolves tried to imitate the movements of the senior members, which looked very easy and elegant when operating this futuristic firearm.

Once they understand the basic techniques, their practice continues with hands-on practice. The members of the Dark Wolves help each other and give tips to each other, trying to hone their skills in practicing combat techniques with these futuristic firearms.

As the practice progressed, the sounds of gunshots and razor blades filled the air of the practice field, demonstrating the enthusiasm and persistence of the Dark Wolves in learning this new technique. They practiced relentlessly, repeating moves and correcting mistakes, hoping to gain the skills needed to defeat Azazel and his army.

Then Rizal was asked to provide hands-on training by one of the senior leaders. It wasn't long before Rizal had joined forces with the Dark Wolves and was standing in the large practice field, with a look of focus on their faces. Rizal describes a combat strategy designed to immobilize opponents quickly and effectively. The members of the Dark Wolves watched intently, trying to understand the strategies and tactical techniques that Rizal had explained.

After Rizal finished explaining the strategy, they immediately moved. Rizal was the first to take the lead, practicing the moves he had taught the members of the Dark Wolves. They try to imitate and practice these movements closely, practicing over and over again until they understand the movements and strategies.

The members of the Dark Wolves keep moving, helping each other and coordinating well in carrying out the strategy taught by Rizal. They tried to memorize every move and implement it properly, hoping to defeat Azazel and his army.

Rizal continuously monitored the movements of the Dark Wolf members, providing the necessary suggestions and criticisms to help them improve their techniques and strategies. As they became more skilled at practicing these tactical techniques, Rizal sped up their movements and increased the difficulty of the exercises.

Their training lasted a long time, with the sound of wind and noise coming from their movements. However, the members of the Dark Wolves never lost their enthusiasm and desire to improve their techniques, in hopes of becoming stronger and more effective against Azazel's power.

When the training ended, the members of the Dark Wolves stood up proud and confident. They felt better prepared and trained for the coming battle. Rizal and Maya looked at them with pride, feeling honored to be in the midst of these soldiers who were dedicated and passionate about fighting crime.


Night has fallen and the meeting room is filled with futuristic lights that emit a futuristic aura that dominates the entire room. On a large table there are several computer screens displaying data and maps showing Azazel's territory in the city of Xyrel.

Ibu Anisa, Rizal, Maya and Asih sat tensely around the table waiting for the last of the senior leaders to arrive. A few moments later, the senior leaders, Adi, Oki, Agha, Dika, Firda, Galih and Rian came and immediately sat down in their respective places.

Secretly, the atmosphere became more tense when Ms. Anisa took a position at the table. "We all know the situation is getting worse in the city of Xyrel. Azazel's power is running rampant, and we must act quickly to stop it."

Anisa's mother looked at Rizal and said, "Rizal, you have learned from Abdiel, the best strategist we have ever had. We ask you to present a strategy for attacking Azazel's reign in Xyrel city."

Rizal nodded and stood up from his seat. "Alright, I have been studying Azazel's strengths and weaknesses for the past time. I believe we have a chance of defeating him, but we must be careful in executing our strategy."

Maya asked doubtfully, "What's the plan?"

"We will take advantage of Azazel's weaknesses in terms of intelligence and food supply. We will destroy their food supply base and cut off their lines of communication. That way, they will be isolated and weak," Rizal explained firmly.

The senior leaders exchanged glances, they seemed quite convinced of Rizal's plan. However, Asih expressed concern, "But what if they suspect we are carrying out an attack and prepare their defense?"

Rizal smiled, "We have thought of that too. We will spread our group into small parts and attack them from different angles. This way, we will avoid their defenses and confuse them."

Anisa's mother nodded and praised Rizal, "Well done, Rizal. We will prepare the troops and equipment needed for this operation. We must carry it out quickly and on target."

The senior leaders nodded in agreement, and the atmosphere grew tense as they prepared everything. They know that the task is formidable, but they are ready to risk everything to stop Azazel's ruthless reign.

Mrs. Anisa, Maya, Asih, Rizal, Adi, Oki, Agha, Dika, Firda, Galih, and Rian gathered all members of the Dark Wolf in a very large building, they directed all members to prepare to carry out this dangerous mission.

In the middle of the room, Rizal was presenting a firm and detailed attack plan. Meanwhile, Adi, Oki, Agha, Dika, Firda, Galih, and Rian carefully prepared their combat equipment, checking their weapons and ammunition one by one.

Meanwhile, Ibu Anisa and Maya were organizing the members of the Dark Wolf, dividing them into small groups and indicating their respective positions in operations.

"You have to be focused and ready to take on any challenges that arise," said Ibu Anisa firmly, "This is not only about defeating Azazel, but also about protecting the people we love."

All of the members of the Dark Wolves nodded with firm determination, they prepared themselves mentally and physically, and felt ready to face any risks and dangers they would face.

"We will attack tomorrow night," said Rizal to all members of the Black Wolves present.

After all the preparations were finished, Ibu Anisa led them in a prayer together, asking for protection and courage in carrying out their duties. Then, they left the Black Wolf base at a steady pace, ready to take on such a thrilling and dangerous mission.

As they walked towards their respective rooms, Adi and Oki started talking about attack plans.

"Do you think Rizal's plan is good enough?" asked Adi.

"I think Rizal's plan is very mature," answered Oki. "However, we must still be prepared for unforeseen situations."

"Of course," agreed Adi. "We have to make sure that we can adapt quickly if the situation changes."

Meanwhile, Firda and Galih discussed their own strategy.

"I'm sure we can handle their security devices," said Firda confidently. "But, I'm worried about the protection they have."

Galih replied, "Don't worry, we have a few tricks to overcome it. We just need to be focused and ready to face any situation that arises."

It was late at night and the Black Wolves' members were preparing to rest in their respective rooms after the preparations for the attack. Rizal and Maya finally stood in front of Rizal's bedroom door.

"Already exhausted?" asked Maya, smiling sweetly at Rizal.

"A little," Rizal replied with a big smile. "But I feel better after seeing how we come together to complete this mission."

"I agree," said Maya. "We work very well together. And you, Rizal, you look great leading this mission."

Rizal smiled. "Thank you, Maya. I really appreciate your words."

They stood there, staring at each other. There was an awkward silence between them, but the calm and comfortable atmosphere it created made them feel at ease with each other.

"Maya, I want to know... what do you think about this mission?" asked Rizal slowly.

Maya looked a little surprised by Rizal's question. "What do you mean?"

"Sorry, I mean... what do you think of us?" Rizal looked a bit nervous when he said those words.

Maya pondered for a moment before finally replying, "I think we did a great job and supported each other in the process."

"No, I mean... about the two of us," said Rizal, looking at Maya hopefully.

Maya felt her heartbeat pounding when Rizal expressed his feelings. "Rizal... I don't know."

"Do not know what?" Rizal asked again with hope in his eyes.

"Don't know about my own feelings," Maya said. "But I believe that we can be more than colleagues."

Rizal smiled happily. "That's something I'd love to hear. Thank you, Maya."

Maya also smiled and they looked at each other with a sincere and loving look in their eyes. They eventually split up to go to their respective rooms, but the seed of love in their hearts is starting to sprout and they hope to see where that feeling will take them next.

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