
Adriana's smile was warm and supportive, her eyes shining with encouragement. She urged Tyler to eat the rest of his meal, her gesture gentle and reassuring. Tyler settled back into his chair, his eyes never leaving hers, and took another bite of his food. But before he did, he gave her one more reassuring look, a look that said "I've got this, I've got us".

Adriana's smile faltered for a moment, her eyes searching his face for any sign of doubt or uncertainty. But Tyler's gaze was steady, his eyes burning with determination. She knew that he was a man who had been through hell and back, a man who had fought tooth and nail for everything he had. And she knew that he would do the same for her, for their family, for their future.

She nodded, her smile returning, and Tyler knew that she was with him, all the way. He knew that she wasn't blindly following him, that she was a smart woman who asked questions, who sought answers. But he also knew that she trusted him, trusted his judgment, t
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