Pressed down

“I can understand why you feel that way but if you let me I can change your mind about me I'm very different from Matthew as different as chalk and cheese but considering your experiences with the two of us I can't understand why you would feel differently however I'm going to convince you that that is the case so I would like you to be eating breakfast lunch and supper with me and my family,”

The invitation like everything else that Tyler did was tactical and all part of his plan Judas was fully aware of this he knew that the other man's personality has not just taken a complete 180 overnight. He was worried about how he was supposed to respond to this his face tight end up and the rage inside of him built up, heated being played like this like some kind of toy in Tyler's hands mostly for his amusement apparent to be since he had not started with his main plan obviously.

Less than 38 hours ago he was completely on the side of his nemesis and because of the way the tables had t
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