2. Greetings, Lord Zayden!

[Account Balance: $100,021.05]

Zayden really didn't expect to have this much money in his account balance. Reading the amount, Zayden was dumbfounded.

"Sir, I didn't commit fake diamond transaction fraud!" Zayden denied the allegations made by the police in front of him.

In front of Zayden, Harris-one of the police detectives-sighs heavily. Harris looked at Zayden with a skeptical gaze.  

"Then, how did that much money end up in your account balance?" Harris asked.

With a worried expression, Zayden exhaled while ruffling his own hair. Zayden didn't know how to explain to Harris.

"Sir, I have been working honestly as a part-time deliver and part-time supermarket cashier. Can't you see my pay stubs or check my background?" Zayden asked, still trying to be evasive.

Harris then placed a paper with a slight toss on the table. Showing it to Zayden.

"Read that. We found mutations of transactions relating to a fake diamond fraud case. We have witnesses," Harris replied firmly.

Zayden read the paper Harris handed him. For a few seconds reading all the information on the paper, Zayden was shocked. How could there be an account record that went into his account balance?

Especially to the tune of hundreds of millions like this.

"The transaction entered at twelve o'clock at night was over ten minutes. Meanwhile, the fake diamond customer bought on the website at exactly twelve at night." Harris provided further explanation for Zayden.

At that moment, Zayden's body did not move at all. Zayden didn't even realize that there was a money transaction going into his account balance. Last night, he had just gotten home from his part-time job as a supermarket cashier at two in the morning.

So how did Zayden manage to buy and sell fake diamonds?

"Mr. Harris-"

"Mr. Zayden, the evidence we have is very clear. While you have not been able to provide evidence to refute our accusations against you," Harris interrupted.

Zayden was dumbfounded again as Harris sounded very stern. This time, Zayden had no words to explain to Harris.

"Fine. If you want to arrest me for fraudulent dealing in fake diamonds, I can accept that," Zayden finally decided.

Harris did not speak. But he quickly picked up the handcuffs to get ready to cuff Zayden's hands again.

Just then, as Zayden's hands were being cuffed, someone's voice was heard from behind.

"What a pity, Mr. Zayden. Why did you commit fake diamond transaction fraud?"

The direction of Zayden and Harris' gazes simultaneously moved to the source of the voice. Zayden was immediately surprised that the person coming was Andreas Tomlinson.

"I heard that you committed a major act of fraud. Why are you so low?" Andreas quipped at Zayden.

Zayden immediately gave Andreas a confused look.

"You?" Zayden asked. He instantly realized that the man was Zevanna's mistress. "Ah, Mr. Andreas! I've seen you everywhere! Newspapers, articles, and even movies produced by your entertainment company!"

Andreas widened his smile proudly. There was an arrogance on his face at that moment.

"Of course you see me everywhere. The movies starring actors and actresses from my agency's companies have earned over 100 billion dollars!"

Zayden nodded his head while smiling like a fool. It felt like he had just met the idol he had been waiting for.

"I really admire the works your company produces, My Lord Andreas! You're so talented at honing and seeing the potential in actors and actresses-"

"Aish! You talk too much! What do you understand about such things?" Andreas cut in, sounding annoyed at Zayden's babble.

Zayden was stunned, repeatedly blinking stupidly as if confused as to where he had gone wrong.

"If you're a poor person, you shouldn't be scamming hundreds of millions! How disgusting." Andreas immediately gave Zayden an insult.

Hearing Andreas' words, Zayden pretended to make a confused face. Zayden was surprised to hear Andreas' insulting words directly.

"What are you saying, Mr. Andreas?" asked Zayden. "Sir... I didn't commit any fraud. Sir, can you help me to get released?"

Andreas immediately laughed sarcastically while throwing a quick glance.

"Mr. Andreas is the one who reported you, as he is a witness and cousin of the buyer of the fake diamonds you sold," Harris explained.


The handcuffs were placed on Zayden's hands. Zayden was dumbfounded by Harris' words.

"Mr. Andreas..." Zayden's voice trailed off in disbelief.

Andreas then walked over to Zayden, stopped beside him, and leaned closer to Zayden's ear.

"You shouldn't have been so stubborn to stay in the marriage with Zevanna. I've been so sick of waiting for you to agree to a divorce with Zevanna," Andreas said.

In that moment, Zayden was stunned. Hearing the obvious hatred directed at him made a sardonic smile form. Zayden had not expected Andreas to secretly devise a plan to trap him.

"I don't know why you hate me so much," Zayden said when Andreas stepped back.

Andreas and Zayden looked at each other again. Sharp and intense.

"I'm just trying to save Zevanna from a useless man like you," Andreas retorted. "Live in prison as best you can, you idiot! At least you won't be a bum on the street!"

Andreas laughed with satisfaction, while Zayden remained silent.

Zayden's eyes looked at Andreas calmly. Although there was a hint of annoyance there, Zayden only gave a fleeting smile.

Harris led Zayden away from Andreas' presence with two other policemen.

Andreas didn't say anything more. But when Zayden's steps began to move away, his ears faintly heard Andreas talking to someone. On the phone.

"Hello, my dear. I've managed to trap that fool! He won't be able to ask anyone for help, don't worry. He's just a poor man!"

Then, Andreas laughed again, mocking Zayden's figure.

Meanwhile, from not too far away, Zayden secretly smiled wryly. Andreas should have known who he was dealing with.

Several hours passed. Inside the prison cell, Zayden was still sitting with his back against the wall. Zayden watched the other four inmates who were busy with their own activities.

One of the four prisoners looked pale and weak. From the moment Zayden entered the cell, the inmate just stared blankly at the wall.

There was something strange about the inmate's behavior. His eyes were slightly reddened. He looked exactly like a drug addict.

"Hey, junkie! Can't you talk to me?" Another inmate said in a mocking tone to her.

The others laughed dismissively, except for Zayden.

"Look. What a pity for his fate as a drug dealer and addict! You look really bad!"

Zayden had been watching for several hours. When the other three inmates taunted him, one of the inmates completely ignored him.

While shaking the body that hugged his own legs, his lips continued to mutter something.

"Red hair man... red hair man..."

Zayden was actually wondering about that. But before he could say anything or talk to the inmate, the sound of keys from the side could be heard.

Finally, the direction of Zayden's gaze shifted, as did the other inmates.

A warden approached Zayden's cell with someone in a formal black-suit and sunglasses. Zayden spontaneously arched a grinning smile when he realized who the man beside the warden was.

"Prisoner number 1178, you have been acquitted of the charge of fraudulent dealing in counterfeit diamonds. Please step out of the prison cell!"

Zayden stood up and headed for the bars of the prison cubicle. Once out, the man in the full body black-suit bowed to him.

"Greetings, My Lord Zayden! We finally meet again. Are you ready to return?"

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