Chapter 117
Nodding in agreement, Derrick took his grandfather's hand and gave it a firm shake. "You have my word, Grandfather. I will give this matter the consideration it deserves and do my utmost to find a woman who will uphold our family's legacy."

Sir Williams smiled, pride shining in his eyes. "I know you won't let me down, Derrick. I have faith in you and the choices you will make."

As dinner drew to a close, the two men continued to talk, their conversation shifting from the heavy topic of marriage to lighter subjects. Derrick was grateful for his grandfather's wisdom and guidance, and he left the villa with a newfound determination to fulfill his promise.

In the weeks that followed, Derrick found himself contemplating his grandfather's words often, wondering what kind of woman would be the perfect fit for his life and the future of their family. He knew that this decision would shape not only his own happiness but also the course of their legacy, and he was determined to choose wisely.
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