An impromptu meeting after a few days. That a few days has passed doesn't mean that the fire has died down.

Mister Jimmy just got out of the hospital, but is still so weak and Melody hasn't been found.

Her family has been frantically trying to get their hands on any piece of information that works to lead to her whereabouts, but to no avail.

To the best of their knowledge, Duke has been trying to help, that's what he appears to be doing.

He has been trying to solve the case of the man killed in his presence instead.

Duke has spent a lot of his time thinking about why the man he went to kill was killed off by some unknown people and it still doesn't make sense to him.

Why? Who sent them? What did he know that they wanted to go? Which piece of information was worth his life?

With that loud thought in his head, Duke still drives to the Futtermans' house and he sees a lot of cars just before he gets to the house, he sees many cars parked and waiting.

He doesn't wait, he turns off
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